posterior arch: from soft palate down into pharynx. anterior: from soft palate and inserts into the side of tongue
13 of 21
what are the 5 muscles of the most palate and what are they innervated by
1. levator veli palitini (CN X) 2. tensor veli palatini (CN V3) 3. musculus uvulae CN X 4. palatoglossusCN X 5. palatopharyngeus CN X
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To what does tensor veil palatine attach
sphenoid bone
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what does the tensor veli palitini do
turns medially around the pterygoid hamulus and enters the soft palate. then it flattens out within the soft palate and joins with the tendon of the opposite muscle to form the palatine aponeurosis
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from where to where does the salpingopharyngeus go
auditory tube to pharynx
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rom where to where does the tensor veli palitini go
sphenoid bone to soft palate
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rom where to where does the levator veli palatini go
from petrous temporal bone to soft palate
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how to test and what would be the results for CN X
ask the patient to say aahh. if the uvula lifts straight up in the midline- nerve are functioning normally. if the. uvula pulls to one side- the nerve on the opposite side is damaged
20 of 21
what is. the tonsil crypt
- palatine tonsil
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
how many bones make the H palate? name them
2 palatine processes of maxillae. 2 palatine bones (the horizontal plate)
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