Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry
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- Created by: JSage
- Created on: 20-01-18 15:35
A Myocardial Infarction ‘heart attack’ is:
the total blockage of a coronary artery or branch of that artery
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The vagus nerve can be described as being a:
sensory and motor nerve
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Enzymes are molecules that:
are able to catalyse reactions at physiological temperatures
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The observation of a cell passing along a concentration gradient of an attractant molecule is known as:
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Vision loss occurs if there is damage to the:
occipital lobes
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The High Frequency (HF) Heart Rate Variability Parameter is an indirect measure of:
both cardiac sympathetic & parasympathetic autonomic activity
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The baroreflex response's primary function is to:
maintain adequate blood supply to the brain when moving between a supine and standing position
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is both a hormone and a neurotransmitter
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Which artery carries blood across the knee
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During inflammation, diapedesis refers to:
transfer of monocytes from the blood vessels to tissue
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ADH (anti-diuretic hormone) is mainly secreted within the:
posterior pituitary
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Depolarisation of heart muscle cells occurs during:
myocardial contraction
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Sympathetic activation does NOT:
decrease blood pressure
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Heart rate turbulence:
measurement requires the presence of premature ventricular beats (PVBs)
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Interleukin 6 is a type of molecule known as a:
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Electroencephalopathy (EEG)
voltage fluctuations from the ionic current which flows within the brain
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The interaction of a drug with its receptor can be modelled by:
Le Chatellier's Principle
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When recording somatosensory potentials (SEPs) during spinal monitoring, which pathway is recorded via electrodes:
efferent pathway
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The organelle which translates RNA into a protein is called a
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In DNA, adenine combines with:
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Which blood vessel returns blood from the lungs to the left atrium:
pulmonary vein
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The number of beats executed by the heart of a human living to 70 years of age would be in the order of:
2.5 billion beats
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The PNS:
consists of nerves and ganglia outside of the brain and spinal cord
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The sagittal plane refers to a slice taken:
vertically separating the left side from the right side
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Is the function of the seventh cranial nerve
Both sensory and motor function
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Parkinson's Disease is characterised by depletion of which neurotransmitter:
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The Complement System in blood is primarily concerned with:
immune defence
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The cardio regulatory centre
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The small sacs within the lungs are known as:
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The structure of protein contains:
hydrogen bonds and disulphide bridges
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The complex internal structure of the Endocardium (inner layer of the heart chambers):
Discourages turbulent flow of blood
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The food type with the highest energy value is:
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The periosteum is the:
outer layer of bone
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The alternative name for a platelet is a:
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Which heart valve controls blood flow between the right atrium and right ventricle:
tricuspid valve
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During coagulation, the factor which is split by thrombin is:
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In which location can chromatin be found:
within the nucleus
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A small standard deviation in ambulatory ECG RR intervals:
indicates good autonomic control of the heart
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A stroke or seizure is most likely to be caused by:
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The obligatory volume of urine per day is approximately:
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The thumb is lateral to the index finger
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The placement of one electrode in close proximity to an excitable cell, with the reference electrode being placed in the extracellular fluid is described as:
Extra-cellular recording
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The twelfth cranial nerve is the:
Hypoglossal nerve
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The R wave of the ECG represents:
ventricular contraction
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The role of oligodendrocytes in the brain is to:
form and maintain myelin sheaths around axons in the CNS
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The function of the parietal lobe is
processing nerve impulses and language function
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During the depolarisation phase of an action potential, the cell membrane is:
Positive inside and negative outside
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The heart's atrioventricular (AV) node and bundle has the principal role of providing:-
Delay in apical contraction
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The substance which contains the energy a cell expends is:
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When an action potential is generated, what is the stimulus threshold for cell depolarisation:
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During depolarisation, the rate of change of voltage at the surface of the myocardial cell is approximately:
400 V/s
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The central nervous system (CNS) glial cell oligodendrocytes have the following function
Form and maintain myelin sheaths around axons in the CNS
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The autonomic sympathetic system innervates the heart:
via multiple nerve fronds entering the heart wall at many points
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In the brainstem, what is the function of the medulla oblongata:
Contains the respiratory, vasomotor and cardiac centres
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
The vagus nerve can be described as being a:
sensory and motor nerve
Card 3
Enzymes are molecules that:
Card 4
The observation of a cell passing along a concentration gradient of an attractant molecule is known as:
Card 5
Vision loss occurs if there is damage to the:
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