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6. Which part of the articulating head of the Femur is not covered by hyaline cartilage?

  • Lesser Tubercle
  • Fovea Capitis
  • Greater Trochanter
  • Lesser Trochanter
  • Symphysis Pubis

7. Name the three trunks formed from the five roots, and note which spinal nerve(s) innervate each.

  • Superior trunk (C5&6), Middle trunk (C7), Inferior trunk (C8&T1)
  • Upper trunk (C5), Middle trunk (C6&7&8), Lower trunk (T1)
  • Superior trunk (C5), Middle trunk (C6&7), Inferior trunk (C8&T1)
  • Upper trunk (C5), Middle trunk (C6&7), Lower trunk (C8&T1)
  • Upper trunk (C5&6), Middle trunk (C7&8), Lower trunk (T1)

8. Which spinal nerves form the inferior gluteal nerve?

  • L3, L4, L5, L6
  • L4, L5, S1, S2
  • L3, L4, L5, S1, S2
  • L5, S1, S2
  • L2, L3, L4

9. Which ligaments attach to the ischium and prevent backward titling of the lower end of the sacrum?

  • Sacrospinous & Sacroiliac ligaments
  • Interosseous & Sacroiliac ligaments
  • Sacrospinous & Sacrotuberous ligaments
  • Sacroiliac & Sacrotuberous ligaments
  • Sacrotuberous & Interosseous ligaments

10. Which spinal nerves form the Sciatic nerve?

  • L4, L5, S1, S2
  • S1, S2, S3
  • L4, L5, S1, S2, S3
  • L5, S1, S2, S3
  • L5, S1, S2

11. What is a bursa?

  • A ligament that attaches the head of the femur to the acetabulum
  • A small sca filled with synovial fluid that acts to reduce friction between bones/tendons/muscles
  • A section of corticol bone that articulates but is not covered by hyaline cartilage
  • A person who joins the armed forces on a scholarship whilst still at university
  • An extension of the labrum

12. What are the two terminal branches of the posterior cord?

  • Ulna & Axillary
  • Radial & Ulna
  • Musculocutaneous & Ulna
  • Radial & Axillary
  • Axillary & Median

13. What is the axilla?

  • A tendon
  • A muscle
  • A ligament
  • An anatomical space
  • Godzilla's cousin

14. What forms the anterior and posterior borders of the axilla?

  • Anterior - Serratus Anterior, Posterior - Scapula
  • Anterior - Pectoralis Minor, Posterior - Humerus
  • Anterior - Pectoralis Major, Posterior - Pectoralis Minor
  • Anterior - Pectoralis Major & Minor, Posterior - Scapula
  • Anterior - Scapula, Posterior - Clavicle & Pectoralis Major

15. What separates the two articulating surfaces at the sternoclavicular joint?

  • A fibrocartilaginous disk
  • Bursae
  • Lamellae
  • A ligament
  • A tendon

16. After divisions, the brachial plexus splits into cords, classified as posterior, lateral and medial. From which trunk(s) does the lateral cord come?

  • Anterior division of the middle and inferior trunks
  • Anterior division of the superior trunk
  • Anterior division of the inferior trunk
  • Anterior division of the superior & middle trunks
  • Posterior division

17. Which spinal nerves form the lumbar plexus?

  • L1-S1
  • L2-L4
  • L1-L4
  • L1-L5
  • L1-S3

18. Which ligament passes between the coracoid and acromion processes, forming a fibro-osseus arch superior to the head of the humerus, thus preventing superior displacement of the humeral head?

  • Acromio-osseus ligament
  • Coracohumeral ligament
  • Humero-osseus ligament
  • Coracoacromial ligament
  • Fibro-osseus ligament

19. The axilla is a 3D pyramidal shaped anatomical space located between the upper part of the thorax and the arm. What does it contain?

  • Nerves only
  • Vessels, nerves & lymphatics
  • Vessels & lymphatics only
  • Vessels only
  • Vessels & nerves only

20. Name the nerve found in the femoral triangle.

  • Musculocutaneous Nerve
  • Femoral nerve
  • Sciatic Nerve
  • Obturator Nerve
  • Tarsal Nerve