Ancient Rome- The Antonines- Political and military

  • Created by: Heather
  • Created on: 28-04-17 11:27
Who were the Flavians?
The dynasty after the Julio-claudians after Nero's suicide and the Civil war that followed
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Who was the firstFlavian ruler and when did he rule?
Vespasian 69-79
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What idea of Claudius' does he follow on?
The idea of moving with thr administration of the empire away from the Senate
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Did he trust the Senate?
He preferred to surround himself with his ex slaves and veterans from his army
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Wht was he successful in making it clear about his reign?
It would correct the faults of Nero's reign
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Give an example of what he did with Nero's golden hoyse?
H dismantled Nero's golden huse and gave the land over to public use. he built the Colosseum instead
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What was his background as a first for an Emperor?
He was the first Roman Emperorr to not have emerged from an old urban aristocrcy and was born to an equstrian family
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Was he popular?
Yes- HE reigned for 10 years and was deifed after his deaht
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What did Suetonius quote were Vespasian's last words
'I feel myself becoming a God'
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Wht were his two sons?
Titus and Domitian
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Who became Emperor next and when did he rule?
TItus, 79-81
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Why were the people worried about hin?
As he was a but like Nero, for example he drank lots
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Did he change when he became Emperor?
Yes he became more serious- He got rid of his mistresses and established a more traditional lifestyel
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However, why did he die after just 3 years?
He died of an illness- No one knows for sure what it was but perhaps small pox of influenza
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Who was he succeeded by and when did he rule?
Domitian 81-96
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How do texts present him?
In a bad light but he reigned or almost15 years whereas Caligula reigned for 5 and he was just as hated,
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In foreign affairs, what did he do based on frontiers?
They hardened the froniters with the great defensive works
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Where did he have clashes with/against?
Warfare against Dunube and on the margin of Sahara
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In his final years how did his rule change?
He became more like a tyrant- and morel like his father relying on those closest to him like his ex-slaves
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What does he begin to do to those who disagreed with him?
Executed them
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Give a quote to show Domitians paranoid characterr?
"Nobody believes that an Emperor is under threat until he is assassinated"
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How was he killed?
He was assassinated- His personal bodyguard and wife poisoned him and stabbed him to death
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Did he have heirs?
No and Titus left no children and therefore it is a short lived dynasty
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What is decided after Domitian?
A new system needs to be put in place
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Who is Domitian considered to be the last of and why?
Th e last line of dynastic emperorship as it was thought to lead to disaster as it led to people like Nero and Caligula
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What did they decide they needed to do?
They didn't need to get rid of the imperial state altogether just choose a newway of an Emperor
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What was the adoptive Emperor system?
An Emperor would choose the best person as their successor from the Senate, rather than someone from their familu
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What did they hope this would avoid?
Situations such as when Claudius was chose by the army ot natural bloodline such as Nero
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Who was the first man to be put into place and when did he rule?
NErva 96-98
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What is his role essentially?
Caretkaer- He would select the next person to be Emperor
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Waht age was he which shows what about his rule?
he was in his 70s when he took over so wasn't intended to be aroun for long- Just to choose the successor
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Who did he choose as Emperor and when did he rue?
Trajan 98-117
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Why id Nerva choose him?
He was the right person for the job as his army was encircling Rome and demanded he become Emperor so chose more asa threat
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What desire did Trajan have?
To expand his Empire
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Was he a military man?
Through and through
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What did Augustus say on his deathbed about borders?
He said the Empire shoudl stay as it was as it had reached its naturl limit and the natural barriers wereuseful such as the River Rhine
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What did Trajan want to do?
Widen the barrier against the parthians and he wanted a better barrier to the Germans in the North
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Who did he go into warfare with?
Parthia and Dunube in Dacia
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Who were the Dacians?
Thy had a King with a fortified city and civilised people
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Were they peaceful with them before Trajan?
Yes Domitian had a trade treaty
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However Trajan decided to invade. Was this initial attack successful?
TI came to nothing in 101AD but he wanted to control it and the Mountains further north
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When did he attack again and was he successfu?
105Ad and yes he was successfu- He captured the King and was executed and Dacia was added to the Empire
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Once he had conuered Italy, he decided to create a new barrier with who?
The parthians so went out East
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What did he want to take?
River Tigris and use Mesopotamia as a buffer
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What Kingdom did he add to the Empire and what was it initially?
It was initially an allied Kingdom, friendly with both ROme and Parthia and was used as trading partner previously
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Who was Armenia' Kingship nominated by?
Romans or the Parthians
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In 113 the Armenian king died and who did put the next King in place?
THe Parthians
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However what was the problem wih this?
It was the Romans turn so Trajan used this as an excuse to go to wat with them
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Was he successful?
Wasn't entirely successful and they continued to create problems with the Romans
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Were they always enemies?
Yes Romans never settle with the Parthians- Made Parthians hate the ROmans so they would never settle their conflicts with the Romans- always be enemies
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why did the no heredtiary rule fail based on who he choe to rule next?
Trajan- HE chose his cousin Hadrian
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Why do people call this period the Antonine period?
Antonius if the surname of Hadrian and his successors
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What is this period viewed as?
The most peaceful and most culturally sophisticated of all the period of the emperors
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In order to secure his succession, what did hadrian do?
he execued Trajan's top four generals and established himself on the throne
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What does he do in the East?
He gives up land in the East- Armenia and Mesoptoamia
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What did he do with the Kingdom of Dacia?
He wanted to give up the Kingdom there but the Romans had already set up colonies so decided to keep that
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What did he want to do about barriers?
As well as the natural ones he wanted to reinforce those alreay constructed
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What are the three walls he built?
Lines Britannicus, -Limes Germanicus, -Limes Tripolitanus
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Where was the Limes britannicus wall built?
In Britain dividing England to show Rome's area of land
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Where was Limes Germanicus?
Built a large fence between the RIver Rhaine and Dunabe
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Where was Limes Tripolitanus?
Fortified road along the Northern edge of the Saharan desert- Veery popular route for Romans
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What barriers did he also do for trade?
Trade barriers- He monitored trade routes in the North with he Pits in Biritain as well as aimed at keeping barbarians out
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What did he do to make sure provinces knew they were important to the EMpire and how long did he spend doing this/
He made sure to visit all of the provinces, -spent 12 years doing this
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What did he produce of himself everywhere he went?
Coins- there were coins in every province showing his keeness to establish a multi-cultural empire
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In Spain, what is on each side of the coin and why?
He is on one side and Spainia on the other, Goddess of Spain, holding an olive branch as Romans believed Spanish Olive was the best
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For Britain what was on the coin?
hadrian on one side and Britannica on the other
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What did he do as he went roun the empire to cities?
He xpanded and beautified cities- decayed parts of greece and Asia minor
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Who was Antinious?
Hadrian's boyfriend from Bithynia
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Was he seen with Hadrian?
Yes he accompanies Hadrian on his trips around the EMpire alongside Hadrian's wife
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How did he die?
In an accidnet on the Nile- SOme say he killed himself but seems more likely that it was an accident
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What does Hadrian do with Antonious?
He makes Antinious a God and has a city in Egypt named after him
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Who was the next ruler and when did he rue?
Antoninus Pius, 138-161
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What did he do with Hadrian when he died?
Make him into a God
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IS this still keeping it in the family?
Yes he is the husband of Trajan's great grand niece
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How is his reign viewed?
As peaceful with few disturbance
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Where did he build a new wall and why?
H built a new wall urther North than Hadrians wall, called Antonine Wall which lasted for 20 years before the border returned to Hadrians wall
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Did he leave Italy his his reign?
No not once in his entire life
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how did he deal with provinces?
THrough governors
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Who succeeded Antoninus Pius?
marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus
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What relation were thy to Hadrian?
They had been adopted by Hadrian but were too young to become Emperors when he died
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What reltaion were they to Antonious pius?
They were formally adopted by Pius as his heirs
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what was believed about waht the Senate wanted?
Believed they wanted marcus in charge as he had proven himself to be a great general
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DId marcus become sole ruler?
No- He insisted Lucius be a co-emperor with him
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Was marcus popular and why?
He was particularly popular and a great authoritative figure
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Why was his military skills needed?
Germans had begun taking ROman lands as well as the parthians
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Who did Lucius deal with?
The parthian
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How did they spend a great deal of their reign?
Outside the city dealing with issues
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Who dies first?
Lucius of plague
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What did Lucius bring bakc with him into Rome?
Small pox or the Antonine Plague which spread acorss the Empire
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How many died?
2,000 deaths a day in the 170s across 3 months killed by the plague
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What was the most famous thing Marcus did and an example of how famous?
Defence aginast the Germanic tribe
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Did Marcus tours the Empire?
yes he torued various provinces such as Athens in 170
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When did he die?
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Was he deified?
yes and his ashed placed in Hadrian's Mausoleum
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Who did he leave in charge?
His son Commodus
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THerefore what system is he going back to?
The hereditary system
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When di dCommodus rule?
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What was his reign like?
Comparatively peaceful reign
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What unrest was there growth in?
Political unrest
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Howdid Cassius Dio describe his accession about the Kingdom?
His accession led to the Kingdom of gold turning into a Kingdom of iron
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How did some identify this as?
THe start of the decline of the Roman Empire but thi is rubbish
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Who did he make a treaty with?
The German tribes
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What did he do when he returned to ROne?
Held a triumph and said he conquered the Germans even though he made peace
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WHo was he keen on leavin in charge?
His favourites of running the EMpire
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Why didnt't the senate like this?
As it wsaoften his friends or slaves
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What did he have no interest in?
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Was his rule accepted at first?
no there were a number of conspiracies and attempted coups which all failed in the first few years of his reign
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Asa reult what did he become?
More aggressive with the Senate and generals in his army
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OVerall how did the people see him?
they love him for most of his regn
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What displays did he put on?
Lavish displays of gladiatorl combat- 180 days of gladiatoral games when he takes over power
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How does he get the moeny for this?
By accusing people of treason and gts money off people that way
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What did he change SPQR to?
PSQR to put the people first
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What did he announce he should be called?
Consul and Gladiator
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How did Commodus die?
The Praetorian Prefect and his wife poisoned him, but he survived and so the cospirators sent a gladiator to strangle him
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upon his death what was he declared?
A public enemy
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What happened to his iamge?
Statues pulled down, name removed from inscriptions and body tortured before being put into Hadrian's mausoleum
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Who was the firstFlavian ruler and when did he rule?


Vespasian 69-79

Card 3


What idea of Claudius' does he follow on?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Did he trust the Senate?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Wht was he successful in making it clear about his reign?


Preview of the front of card 5
View more cards


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