Ancient Rome- The Third Century Crisis-Military Political

  • Created by: Heather
  • Created on: 28-04-17 14:08
Who became Emperor after Commodus?
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When did he rule?
Jan 193- March 193
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Why was he appointed?
Best man for the job- Althouhg old he was a good senator, general and so well respected,
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Why for only such a short period/
Civil war 193AD
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Whose work did he try to copy?
The restricted practices of marcus Aurelius
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How long was his reign?
Short- It lasted only 86 days
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What happened on the day he was killed on 28th march 193?
H was at his palace when 300 soliders rushed th gates- The guards posted showed little resistance and the Praetorian prefects sided with them
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WHen this happened what did Pertinax do?
He went out to reason with them and was nerly successful until a solider struck him down, leading to his assassination
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After his murder how was the throne decied and by who?
The Throne was sold on auction by the Praetorian Guard- People were told to name their prise
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Who won by offering what?
Didius Julianus- He offerered 25,000 sestaces to every Praetorian guaard
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Did th eSenate agree?
This auction was highly popular with the Empire and senate but they were threatened by the military
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How long did Julianus rule for?
march 193-jun 193
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However, what happened in March 193?
3 generals rose up
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What three generals rose up and where?
Niger in Syria, -Clodius Albinus in Britain, -Septimus Severus in Pannonia
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What did Julianus and Severus begin to make an agreement on util who changed their mind?
Thye were going to share power, -However, Severus changed his mind
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Why did Severus change his mind?
He decides he didn't need to share power as he got close to ROme and decided to take over Rome
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When does he take over Rome?
1st June
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When does Severus rule from and to?
April 193 until 211
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what does he do when he first gets there?
Didius Juianus and dismisses the Praetorian Guard
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However, what has Niger been declared by who?
He has been declared Emperor by all areas in the East
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How did he view the auctionning of the Emperor?
He had great wealth and so against the auctionning of the Emperor title so clashed with Severus' claim
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WHen was Niger finally defeated at what battle?
193/14- Defeated at the Battle of Issus
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What title did Albinus accept that effectively became what?
He accepted Caesar title and remained ruler of Western side of Empire controlling Britain, Spain etc.
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However when niger died they came into conflct. What did Severus do?
He snt as assassin to kill Albinus but he survived
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Albinus was angry and so did what?
He was so angry with his old friend who turned against him that he brought his army and attacked Severus in Rome
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What did this do to Britain?
Depopulated Britain of soliders there
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When wasAlbinus finally defeated at what battle?
197, -battle of lyon
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According tos sources how many troops died on each side?
15,000 troops on either side
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Therefore Severus is left as sole ruler. Where was he born and his heritage?
Born in North Africa with Italian parents, -Emphasises African heritage
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What role did Severus have and so interested in what?
He was a soldier so interested in military exploits
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Was he cultural?
No- he was barely literate
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What was dedicated to his after his defeat of Albinus?
An Archway
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How was his relationship with the Senate and why?
Poor relations with the senate as he seized power with the military
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What did he do to many senators and why?
He executed dozens on charges of corruption and conspiracy and repalced them with veterans and friends
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What did he do with the Praetorian guard?
They were disbanded and replaced with his own soldiers,
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How many loyal soldiers camped outside Rome?
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WHat did he increase legions from and to?
25 to 33
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Who much id he increase wages of soliders to?
From 300 to 500 denarii
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What do his actions border on Rome becoming?
A military dictatorship
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How do the public view him?
They like him
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Why does Severus move to Britain?
To repair hadrian's wall- He fought back against the barbarians and pushed them back to Scotland
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When did he die and how?
Feb 211- Died in York due to illness
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Who became Emperor next and when?
His sons Caracalla and Geta, Dec 211
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How old wwere they both when they became Emperor?
Caracella was 25 and Geta 22
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How ws Carcalla depicted?
None of the statues are smiling o the coins
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How is Geta depicted?
as child-like, pre-teen
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However, what did Carcalla want?
He didn't want to share power with his younger power
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How long did intense rivarly go on for in the form of what?
11 months -They would build things for their dad
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When di Geta die?
Dec 211 as well ashis family
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When did Carcalla rue form andto?
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What happened to Geta's image?
It ws crossed out and erased from history- Statues removed eliminated art work
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What knd of ruler wasCarcalla?
A military dictator
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Was he popular? Give an example to show how so?
He was veyr unpopuar-He created a lawto stop people peeing on his statues
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Who was he assassinated by in 217?
He was assassinated when he got off his horse to go for a wee and the soliders kiled him
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Who were made Emperor next?
Macrinus and Diadumenianus
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When did they rule from and to?
April 217-Jun 218
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How did he become Emperor?
He was involved in the plor behind Carcalla's death
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What relationship did macrinus and Diadumenianus have?
Macrinus was the father of Diadumenianus
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Perhaps for guilt or honour, what did Macrinus send Carcalla's mother?
He sent Julia domna a message of condolence
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What problem did he sort out based on coins?
Caracalla had reduce the weigh of gold in coins and introduces silver but Macrinus returned to the gold coinage
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How did Marinus rule and was the first Emperor to do so?
He ruled out of Rome and didn't complete any of his reign in Rome
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What stories began spreading about Marinus?
It was said Julia Domna had breast cancer and wrote a suicide note blaming it on Macrinus
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Why did this make people islike him?
AS julia was loved by the people
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What is one major reason the Senate wren't interested in Macrinus?
There was a massive storn in Rome and he did nothing to help so people feel discontented
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However, what claim arised as heir to Caracalla?
Julia Maesa, sister of Julia Domna,had two daughters-Julia Mamaea who was hte mother of Alexander Severus and Julia Bassina, mother of Elagabalus who was said to be the son of Caracalla
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What occured in May 218Ad?
A riot
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What was the result of the battle?
Marinus died and so was Diadumenian
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When did Elagabalus rule?
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When did he become Emperor and what was this a first for?
15- YOungest yet to ascend to sold power
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Although who controlled him?
His mother, Julia Bassiana, aunt Julia Mamaea and grandmother Julia Maesa
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How do the romans feel about their claim to the throne?
They accept them- The Romans don't try and discover the truth and accept the Syrian women's claims to the throne
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What was this a first for based on the women?
They were th first women to enter the Senate and set up a women's curt,
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Whenever Elagabalus entered the Senate, who was taken with him?
His grandmother Senate Maesar- he recieved no influence without her
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However, what happens with his grandmother?
She turns against him favoruing his younger cousin Alexander Severus
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What did the soldiers believed Elagabalus was planning?
the soldiers, especially the Praetorians believed he was planning evil things against Alexander
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What happened to him?
They formed a conspiracy group and assassinate him- Thye also killed his mother Juia Bassiana and his friends
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How long did Alexander Severus rule for?
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At what age did he become EMperor?
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Who acted as regent?
His mother and grandmother
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How did his mother help him?
Argubably under his mother's domination but Julia Mamaea watched over her son's character and improved his administratiion so Elagabalus wouldn't happen agai
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How were people in this period?
Gnerally happy
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However, what was the threat alexander/ rome faced?
Germans forces invaded the east
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How did he want resolve this?
He wanted to buy peace from the Germans
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How did the soldiers view this?
They resented this idea and believed he wanted a life of ease and had no honour
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What did the army do?
They looke dfor a new leader
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What year does Alexander die and hat now begins?
235AD - The Thrid Century Crisis begins
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How long does this crisis go on for?
Until 284 so around 50 year
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How many emperors ruled in these 50 years?
30 emperors
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Who was the next Emperor after Alexander and when did he rule?
Maximinus Thrax-235-238
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Whar role did he have which is why he became emperor?
A goold soldier who worked his way through the ranks
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Overall what did the death of Alexander show for what political system?
Recognised as the end of the Prncipite system from 20BC with the Emperor being Head of the Senate gone- Every Emperor after doesn't care
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For this period, what was it characterised by based on invasions?
Many external invasions- Germans from the North as well sa others
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What was it like within the ctiy?
Internal civil war
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What kind of changes occured in the city?
Changes in society, economic life and religion is so profound it is seen as the wateshed period between the classic world and late antiquity
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What do people debate about the number of emperors there were?
The qustion that there were 30 as many claim ti be emperors so different numbers
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What did Generals gain in power?
Many generals who assuemd imperial power over all or some parts of Rome
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What was the average length of rule?
2 years
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What is the longest lasting length of rule?
5 years
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Why do frontiers get left unguarded and what happens?
A succession of generals fight for the empire, -So more German tribes begin to invade as well as the Goths in the East
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When did Emperor Decius rule?
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What did he believe about what was wrong with the Empure?
he believe everything wrong with the Empire was the Christians- They were runing the peace so ordered a widespread persecution
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When did Emperor Valerian and his son Gallienus rule?
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Do to the sheer amoutn of attacks what happens to the Empire?
It breaks up
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In 258 which Empire breaks away?
The Gallic Empire such as Britain an Spain
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In 260 what Empire broke away?
Palmyrene Empire e.g. Egypt, pallestine, Syria
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What happened to Valerian?
He was taken by the parthians and believed to be a pet and figure of fun
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Who was left after him?
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How do sources present his rule?
he is shown as an incompetent Emperor and not ready to tule the falling apart Empire- Although historians qestionning this
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However when was the Roman Empire brought back together under who?
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When did Aurelian rule?
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Why is the Emperor Aurelian important?
He had the longest surviving Empire
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How does he bring the Empire back together?
he defeats the Vandals, Persians, the East, the Gallic Empire
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When was the Empire reunited and fontiers back in place?
By 274
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Although what was it arguably too late to rebuild an why?
Too late to rebuild the economic system as various cities and thriving towns had been destroyed and ruined
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What did he build around Rome which showed hwat?
Enormous walls were built around it, showing it was no longer an open city
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For the problems he faced, what was the problem with Empires?
Breakaway Empires
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What was another problem based on succession?
Succession unclear- Under threat from generals and armies
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What is another problem based on size?
Empire too large for one man
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What was economic devaluation caused by?
It was caused by runaway pay rises in the military
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What caused coins to be devalued?
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What wasthe solution?
To remove silver from coins but became les valued
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What network was ruined and how?
Trade- People had relied on the vast numbers of roads, enormous meditteranean ports and moving manufactured goods with safety but this breaks down
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What makes Rome unsafe?
Civil unrest
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What Emperor takes us out of the 50 year disaster period?
Emperor Diocletian
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When did he rule?
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What does he decide to sort the problem of one Empire being ruled by one man?
Emperor Diocletian rules the East and his friend Maximian rules west
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In what year was Maximian made co-emperor?
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How do they then decide to split the Empire further?
Into four parts- The patriarchy
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


When did he rule?


Jan 193- March 193

Card 3


Why was he appointed?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Why for only such a short period/


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Whose work did he try to copy?


Preview of the front of card 5
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