Animal Behaviour 1 0.0 / 5 ? BiologyAnimal BehaviourUniversityAll boards Created by: katieV93Created on: 23-09-24 17:14 The study of how biological processes influence behaviour. Physiological 1 of 30 The concept that describes how evolution shapes behaviours over time. Evolutionary 2 of 30 Animals living in groups often have this type of structure. Social 3 of 30 The act of exchanging information between animals. Communication 4 of 30 This type of selection relates to mate choice in animals. Sexual 5 of 30 An animal's area in which it regularly travels and feeds. Home range 6 of 30 The behaviour of defending a specific area against others. Territoriality 7 of 30 The study of how animals find and consume food. Feeding 8 of 30 How animals think and learn from their surroundings. Cognition 9 of 30 The type of behaviour exhibited during mating. Reproductive 10 of 30 The relationship between environment and animal behaviour. Habitat 11 of 30 A key process in evolutionary change, affecting behaviour. Adaptation 12 of 30 Animals may form hierarchies within their social groups, known as this. Dominance 13 of 30 Type of learning where behaviour is changed based on consequences. Operant 14 of 30 Communication often involves this type of signal, such as body language. Nonverbal 15 of 30 An important factor influencing group living among animals. Resources 16 of 30 Behaviour that occurs in response to a stimulus. Reflex 17 of 30 The area an animal defends from others of the same species. Territory 18 of 30 A social system where one male mates with multiple females. Polygyny 19 of 30 The process by which animals learn through watching others. Imitation 20 of 30 Animals communicate using these, like sounds and pheromones. Signals 21 of 30 This concept describes an animal's fitness based on its reproductive success. Inclusive 22 of 30 A term for the specific behaviours related to feeding. Foraging 23 of 30 A group of individuals of the same species living together. Colony 24 of 30 The relationship between animals and their physical environment. Ecology 25 of 30 A type of communication that involves vocal sounds. Vocalisation 26 of 30 A behaviour that increases the chances of survival. Adaptive 27 of 30 This type of selection occurs when females choose mates based on traits. Mate Choice 28 of 30 Behaviours that are inherited and not learned. Innate 29 of 30 The concept that describes how species evolve to exploit specific resources. Niche 30 of 30
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