Animal Farm - The Windmill

  • Created by: Lilli_005
  • Created on: 12-02-20 17:21
P- ______ developed the idea and the plans to make life better for the animals. E- " Snowball declared this was just the place for the _______." E- Snowball believes that life would be better for the animals. C- This refers to the __________
p- Snowball E-Windmill C- Soviet Union
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developing their technology as they were far behind with______ in tecnology.
C- Europe
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P-Napoleon's dogs chase off Snowball whilst he is _______ about the benefits of the _______. E- "was seen _______". E- _______ disagrees with Snowballs plans for the windmill so he gets the dogs to ____ him away. C- Napoleon represents _____
P- talking windmill. E- no more. E- Napoleon chase. C- Stalin
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and Snowball represents _______ and Stalin exiled Trotsky.
C- Trotsky
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P-A Storm blows down the windmill. E- "The _______ was in ruins". E- The animals obviously didnt
E- windmill.
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build the windmill strong enough so the storm blew it down. C- This represents the poor quality _______
C- Factories
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P- Napoleon blames Snowball. E- "SNOWBALL" E- this shows us that Napoleon is trying to make all the animals against Snowball. C- Stalin (________) used Trotsky (Snowball) as a __________ and he argued that he was working with the enemies of the
C- Napoleon Scapegoat
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C- Soviet Union
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P- They start re-building the windmill but with a better ______ E- "i will work harder" E- This tells us that they are going to make the windmill more stable so it doesnt blow down. C- This represents the __________in the __________
p- design C- technology Soviet Union
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P- ______ and his men ________ the windmill. E- There was a deafening roar...the windmill has _____to _____! E- Fredrick and his men thought if they blow up the windmill then the pigs will give in and give the farm back to mr Jones. C- _____
p- fredrick blow up E- ceased exist! C- Hitler
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(Fredrick) suddenly unleashed a massive _______ attack on the Soviet Union.
C- Surprise
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


C- Europe


developing their technology as they were far behind with______ in tecnology.

Card 3


P- talking windmill. E- no more. E- Napoleon chase. C- Stalin


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


C- Trotsky


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


E- windmill.


Preview of the back of card 5
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