Animal physiology 0.0 / 5 ? BiologyAnimal PhysiologyUniversityNone Created by: Coffin17Created on: 29-05-17 13:30 Deuterostome Animals where the blastopore becomes the anus 1 of 26 Chordate Animals with a notochord 2 of 26 Echinoderm Deuterostome with pentamerous symmetry 3 of 26 Cyclostome Jawless fish such as hagfish or lampreys 4 of 26 Gnathostome Chordates with a Jaw 5 of 26 Agnatha Cyclostome 6 of 26 Actinopterygii Ray-finned fish 7 of 26 Sarcopterygii Lobe-finned fish 8 of 26 Teleost More derived form of Actinopterygii 9 of 26 Osteichthyans Bony fish and tetrapods 10 of 26 Elasmobranchs Cartilagenous fish such as sharks 11 of 26 Chondrichthyes Elasmobranchs 12 of 26 Ostacoderms Early fish with armoured head and NO jaw 13 of 26 placoderms Early fish with armoured heads AND jaws 14 of 26 Lungfish Sarcoperygii 15 of 26 Eusthenopteron Sacropterygii with tetrapod features such as nostrils and mouth linked 16 of 26 Panderichthys Eusthenopteron 17 of 26 Tiktaalik Late sarcopterygii/transitional tetrapods with a neck, weught baring elbows and wrists 18 of 26 Acanthostega Transitional tetrapod with hindlimbs and forlimbs both with many digits and a pelvis 19 of 26 icthyostega transitional tetrapods without gills 20 of 26 tetrapod four-legged vertebrate derived from sarcopterygii 21 of 26 amniote tetrapods with an amnion 22 of 26 marsupial mammals which give birth to live young but have no placenta 23 of 26 testudines turtels and such 24 of 26 lepidosaurian snakes and allied reptiles 25 of 26 ichthyosaurs extinct marine reptiles convergent with sharks and whales 26 of 26
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