controlled environment e.g. caging, bred specifically for psychology
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What do animal studies for schizophrenia do in general?
to treat animals in different ways to see if certain factors can induce schizophrenia symptoms, therefore finding out the cause
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how can animals be used to test the dopamine hypothesis?
animals given amphetamines which cause excess dopamine and look to see if this reproduces the symptoms of schizophrenia in the animals. if it does, this supports dopamine hypothesis
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how can genetic causes of schizophrenia be seen using this method?
use amphetamines to induce schizophrenia and then observe if this is transferred to their offspring
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STRENGTH: gestation
animals have shorter gestation periods which means that genetic causes can be studies more quickly than they could be with human participants
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STRENGTH: can cause more harm
can cause more harm to animals and induce schizophrenia without breaking ethical guidelines whereas it would be unethical to give a human schizophrenia
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WEAKNESS: generalisable
difficult to generalise findings from animals to humans
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WEAKNESS: not observable
cannot observe all the symptoms of schizophrenia in animals as they cannot vocalise so delusions and hallucinations could be happening and the researchers would not know
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What do animal studies for schizophrenia do in general?
to treat animals in different ways to see if certain factors can induce schizophrenia symptoms, therefore finding out the cause
Card 3
how can animals be used to test the dopamine hypothesis?
Card 4
how can genetic causes of schizophrenia be seen using this method?
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