Animal Rights Animal rights key words 0.0 / 5 ? Religious StudiesAnimal RightsGCSEAQA Created by: cordelia_finchCreated on: 13-05-14 21:37 1027316589 Across 1. an industry which breeds animals to sell their fur for clothing etc (3, 5) 2. diet which does not include meat , meat products or dairy products. (5, 4) 5. producing an organism exactly identical to another asexually (7) 7. farming where the animals are kept in small pens or cages and are prevented from roaming freely (7, 7) 8. the rights animals have to live without cruelty and to have good treatment (6, 6) 9. place where animals are kept for the general public to look at (3) Down 2. diet which doesn't include meat or meat products (10, 4) 3. the practice of pursuing an animal with the intention to catch and kill it (7) 6. where a whole species has been wiped out, so that no more exist and in the future cannot exist again (10) 10. the value animals have, which then decides ther rights eg are they valuable to humans or not? (6, 2, 7)
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