Anne Hathaway Quiz

This is a quiz on the poem called "Anne Hathaway" written by Carol Ann Duffy

  • Created by: lee
  • Created on: 14-12-10 15:42
What is implied by "...our guests dozed on, dribbling their prose..."?
A less sucessful sexual encounter
1 of 8
What is implied by "a verb dancing in the centre of a noun"?
A sexual act
2 of 8
What method(s) (do)es Carol Anne Duffy use when she writes ‘by touch, by scent, by taste’?
List of three (triplets)
3 of 8
How does Carol Anne Duffy try to twist the Quote in Shakespeare’s will; ‘Item I gyve unto my wife my second best bed...’?
She implies that the ‘second best bed’ was the bed in which the pair was most sexually active
4 of 8
Name the five things which made up their 'spinning world' in order.
Forests, castles, torchlight, clifftops, seas.
5 of 8
Who is Carol Ann Duffy trying to portray in this poem?
Anne Hathaway, wife of Shakespeare
6 of 8
What collection of poems did this poem come from?
The World's Wife
7 of 8
Is the poem written in Iambic Pentameter?
8 of 8

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Card 2


What is implied by "a verb dancing in the centre of a noun"?


A sexual act

Card 3


What method(s) (do)es Carol Anne Duffy use when she writes ‘by touch, by scent, by taste’?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How does Carol Anne Duffy try to twist the Quote in Shakespeare’s will; ‘Item I gyve unto my wife my second best bed...’?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Name the five things which made up their 'spinning world' in order.


Preview of the front of card 5
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this is rubbish



this is a good way to test your knoweldge on this poem

i got 100% but is wasnt easy

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