Annelids 0.0 / 5 ? zoologyOrganismal DiversityUniversityNone Created by: Omar-uniCreated on: 02-01-20 13:10 What are annelids also known as? Segmented worms 1 of 28 Do Annelids have legs or a skeleton? No 2 of 28 What symmetry do Annelids have? Bilateral 3 of 28 Do Annelids have a coelom? Yes 4 of 28 What are the Advantages of having a coelom? Greater flexibility for movement and burrowing and creates space for the expansion and development of visceral organs 5 of 28 How many classes of Annelids are there? 2 6 of 28 What are the 2 classes of Annelids? Clitellata and Polychaetes 7 of 28 What is the acronym for the 5 feeding modes of Annelids? SFHBC 8 of 28 What does SFHBC stand for? Suspension, Filter, Herbivory, Blood, Carnivory 9 of 28 How many segments are Annelids divided into? 3 10 of 28 What are the 3 segments of Annelids? Prostomium, Segmented trunk and Pygidium 11 of 28 What is the Prostomium? The head 12 of 28 What is in the Segmented trunk? Chaeta 13 of 28 What is the Pygidium? Posterior end with Anus 14 of 28 What are the benefits of Segmentation? Regional specialisation for specific roles. Segmentation of coelom=more efficient burrowing. Reduced Damage 15 of 28 How does a segmented coelom lead to more efficient burrowing? Each segment acts individually in isolation which refines movement. only necessary segments move, saving energy 16 of 28 How does segmentation reduce damage? Septa between segments= compartmentalisation, damaged coelom, only fluids from that segment are lost 17 of 28 What is the body wall of an Annelid comprised of? An external cuticle made up of collagen that never sheds, strengthened with Chitin 18 of 28 What is a major component of Chaeta? Chitin 19 of 28 What increases when the brain is more complex? Motility 20 of 28 Where are sensory systems found on Annelids? Head, Palps and antennae 21 of 28 Do Annelids have a circulatory system? Yes 22 of 28 Describe an Annelids digestive system: Straight tube from mouth to anus which integrates the separate body 23 of 28 What parts of an annelids anatomy can give clues about its feeding mode? Pharynx/ Mouth parts 24 of 28 How do Annelids reproduce? Sexually and Asexually 25 of 28 What methods do Annelids use for Asexual reproduction? Epitoky, fragmentation, budding and fission 26 of 28 Describe the Annelids Sexual reproduction lifestyle: Hermaphroditic, external fertilisation via mass spawning 27 of 28 In what way are Annelids useful for research? They are Bio-indicators of water quality in freshwater and marine ecosystems 28 of 28
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