Anomalistic psychology

Key definitions 

  • Created by: Daisy
  • Created on: 12-05-13 14:10
The study of human experience that cannot easily be explained by conventional science.
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Means 'false science' and is a set of ideas based on theories that are presented as scientific but are actually not.
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Extra-sensory perception (ESP)
Abilities beyond the understanding of science where the perception of phenomena is possible beyond the normal 5 senses – the 6th sense. One example is telepathy.
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Psychokinesis (PK)
The supposed power of the mind to manipulate matter at a distance without any known physical means.
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Magical thinking
Where meaning is attached to objects or action so they gain special magical properties.
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An irrational belief that an act or object will affect an event not based on reason or knowledge. It can be positive or negative.
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The likelihood of an event happening.
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When 2 events occur closely together purely by chance.
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Psychic healing
Any method used to alleviate health problems by purely mental means. For example, power of prayer and therapeutic touch.
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Out of body experience
The sensation of being awake and seeing your own body and the world from a location outside of your physical body.
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Near death experience
An experience of impending death, which can include a variety of sensations such as encounters with dead loved ones, intense emotion, the presence of a light or a decision to return to the body.
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Psychic mediumship
A practise where the medium acts as a facilitator of communication between the physical world and the spiritual world.
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Card 2


Means 'false science' and is a set of ideas based on theories that are presented as scientific but are actually not.



Card 3


Abilities beyond the understanding of science where the perception of phenomena is possible beyond the normal 5 senses – the 6th sense. One example is telepathy.


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Card 4


The supposed power of the mind to manipulate matter at a distance without any known physical means.


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Card 5


Where meaning is attached to objects or action so they gain special magical properties.


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