Anthropology 0.0 / 5 ? Anthropologyunit 2A2/A-levelAQA Created by: oreallaCreated on: 20-05-16 14:37 What is a boundary? The physical and imagined differences between groups and individuals 1 of 14 What are Van Gennep's 3 stages of rights of passage? 1.separation 2.liminality 3. reincorporation 2 of 14 What are Lincoln's 3 stages of female-specific rights of passage? 1. enclosure 2. magnification 3. emergence 3 of 14 What is a critical ritual? Critical rituals often happen at an important time of life eg. birth or puberty. They often involve a change of status 4 of 14 What is a calendrical ritual? Caledrical rituals often involve the whole of a society and take place at certain times of the year. They maintain the cycle of life. 5 of 14 What is an ex person? An ex person is a human who has lost all their qualities of personhood. eg. someone in a comma 6 of 14 What is a potential person? A potential person is someone who hasn't yet got all the characteristics of becoming a person but has the potential to become one. eg. a foetus 7 of 14 What is a diminished person? A diminished person is someone who has lost many of the characteristics of personhood. eg. someone with alzeimers 8 of 14 What ideas do they have about personhood in melanesia? Personhood is gained gradually, it is the sum of one's social relationships. A person isn't considered dead until their debts have been payed. 9 of 14 How does one learn to behave like a boy/girl? Toys, clothes, Verbal appelation 10 of 14 What are the functions of rituals? Transition eg. girl to woman. Initiation eg. into a new group. Maintains life cycle 11 of 14 What is anthropomorphism? Anthropomorphism is the attribution of human characteristics to animals or objects 12 of 14 What are the causes of ethnic conflict? historical reasons, power asymetry, economic exploitation, territorial conflict, role of the state, competition for scarce resources 13 of 14 What is sociocentric personhood? Sociocentric personhood puts emphasis on a person as part of their wider society. eg. the Indian caste system 14 of 14
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