Antony and Cleopatra quotes 4.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? English LiteratureAntony and CleopatraA2/A-levelAQA Created by: TomCreated on: 02-05-14 15:03 From this enchanting queen I must break Antony about Cleopatra 1 of 27 These strong Egyptian fetters I must break Antony about Cleopatra 2 of 27 The triple pillar of Rome transformed into a strumpet's fool Philo about Antony 3 of 27 Tawny Front Philo about Cleopatra 4 of 27 O, my fortunes have corrupted an honest man Antony about himself and Enobarbus 5 of 27 I'th'East where my pleasure lies Antony about Cleopatra 6 of 27 He soldiership is twice the other twain Pompey about Antony 7 of 27 The demi-atlas of the world Cleo about Antony 8 of 27 he fills vacancy with his voluptuousness Caesar about Antony 9 of 27 Noble, courageous, high, unmatchable, where Caesar is not Soothsayer about Antony 10 of 27 I am Antony yet Antony about himself 11 of 27 He will to his Egyptian dish again Enobarbus about Antony 12 of 27 He dishes, fished and wastes Caesar about Antony 13 of 27 I never saw such an action of shame Scarus about Antony 14 of 27 you have broken the article of your oath Caesar about Antony 15 of 27 If I lose my honour I lose my self Antony about himself 16 of 27 Given his empire up to a whore Caesar about Antony 17 of 27 You therein throw away the absolute soldiership you have by land Enobarbus about Antony 18 of 27 Our leader's led, and we are women's men Canidius about Antony 19 of 27 Like a doting mallard Scarus about Antony 20 of 27 Caesar and Antony have won more in office than in person minor character about Caesar and Antony 21 of 27 The beds i'th' East are soft Antony about Cleopatra 22 of 27 his goodly eyes have glowed like plated mars Philo about Antony 23 of 27 I am Antony yet I cannot hold this visible shape Antony about himself 24 of 27 This foul Egyptian hath betrayed me! Antony about Cleopatra 25 of 27 My competitor in top of all design Caesar about Antony 26 of 27 Our lamp is spent Cleopatra when Antony is dead 27 of 27
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