A+P 0.0 / 5 ? Sports ScienceAnatomy Revision BTEC NationalEdexcel Created by: SamanthaCreated on: 29-11-14 10:42 How many types of blood vessels are there in the human body? 5 1 of 16 Is the following statement true of false: Arteries are smaller versions of arterioles False 2 of 16 Is the following statement true or false: Blood is carried away from the heart under high pressure True 3 of 16 Is the following statement true or false: Blood in veins is under high pressure False 4 of 16 Which artery is the only artery NOT to carry oxygenated blood? Pulmonary Artery 5 of 16 Which Vein is the only vein in the body to carry oxygenated blood? Pulmonary Vein 6 of 16 Give two reasons why veins have valves To prevent backflow of blood/Aid venous return 7 of 16 Describe one of the roles of the capillary Allows Diffusion of oxygen /allows removal of waste products/ diffusion of carbon dioxide 8 of 16 Why does the cardiovascular system need to transport oxygen? To provide oxygen for cells to create energy 9 of 16 What is the main waste product that the cardiovascular system needs to provide? Carbon Dioxide 10 of 16 If a sports performer has an injury that causes them to bleed, how does the cardiovascular system respond to stop the bleeding? Platelets gather at the site of the injury to form a clot to stop the blood flowing out the vessels 11 of 16 Which Blood cell plays the role of protecting the body from infection and disease? White Blood cells 12 of 16 What is the constant temperature that the body need to maintain? 37 degrees 13 of 16 State 1 of the two ways in which the body will respond when the internal temperature of the body rises above the normal levels? Sweating / Vasodilation 14 of 16 Define Vasoconstriction Arterioles under the surface of the skin decrease in diameter 15 of 16 Give an example of when Vasoconstriction would be needed Fall in body temperature 16 of 16
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