Applied Life Sciences 2 0.0 / 5 ? NursingInfectionUniversityNone Created by: mberry38Created on: 22-03-23 10:31 A relationship between humans and microorganisms which BENEFITS the Human and DOES NOT HARM the microorganism Symbiosis 1 of 23 Benefits Human AND Microorganism Mutualism 2 of 23 BENEFITS Microorganism & DOES NOT HARM Human Commensalism 3 of 23 BENEFIST Microorganism and HARMS the Human Pathogenicity 4 of 23 Benign microorganism becomes PATHOGENIC due to decreased human host defences Opportunism 5 of 23 The 1st stage of infection, microorganisms are transmitted into a susceptible host environment Colonisation 6 of 23 The 2nd stage of infection, the infectious agent spreads to surrounding tissues Invasion 7 of 23 The 3rd stage of infection, bacteria undergo rapid multiplication in a warm, nutrient rich environment Multiplication 8 of 23 The 4th stage of infection, where the infection can remain localised or spread to other areas of the body Spread 9 of 23 the 1st stage of the clinical infectious disease process; the interval between exposure to an infectious agent and the appearance of symptoms Incubation Period 10 of 23 The 2nd stage of the Clinical Infectious Disease Process, the appearance of mild symptoms e.g. tiredness & discomfort Prodromal Stage 11 of 23 The 3rd stage of Clinical Infectious Disease process; signs and symptoms of disease are most obvious and severe Invasion Period 12 of 23 The 4th and final stage of Clinical Infection Disease process; the immune and inflammatory systems successfully remove infectious agent Convalescence Period 13 of 23 Fever is a raised temperature above normal i.e. oral temp of 37.2c Pyrexia 14 of 23 A circulating proteins that can cause fever Pyrogens 15 of 23 Controls the body temperature regulations Hypothalamus 16 of 23 Bacteria with no enclosed nucleus Prokaryotic 17 of 23 Bacteria become resistant by changing antigens Antigenic Variation 18 of 23 Bacteria being transported in the blood due to failure of body's defence systems Bacteraemia 19 of 23 Infection with a fungus Mycosis 20 of 23 Any living thing that lives in or on another living organism Parasite 21 of 23 Single celled parasitic organisms Protozoa 22 of 23 A living organism that transmits an infectious agent from an infected animal to another animal or human i.e. insects Vector 23 of 23
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