Approaches: The Psychodynamic Approach

  • Created by: akirk99
  • Created on: 01-09-16 14:22
What does the term 'tripartite' mean?
It was the term Sigmund Freud used to describe the personaity, as it consisted of three compoments.
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What are the three compments of the personality according to Freud?
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Which part of the personality operates on the reality principle?
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Which part of the personality operates on the pleasure principle?
The ID
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Which part of the personality operates on the morality principle?
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At what age does the ID form?
From birth
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At what age does the EGO form?
Around the age of two
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At what age does the SUPEREGO form?
Around the age of five (the end of the phallic stage)
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What is the consequence of a child not overcoming conflicts in the pyschosexual stages?
It can lead to fixation where the child becomes stuck and carries certain behaviours into later life.
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At what point does the Oral stage happen?
0-1 Years
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At what point does the Anal stage happen?
1-3 Years
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At what stage does the Phallic stage happen?
3-5 Years
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What happens in the latency stage?
Earlier conflicts are repressed.
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What happens in the Genital Stage?
Sexual desires become conscious along with the onset of puberty.
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What happens in the Oral stage?
Focus of pleasure is the mouth and the mother's breast is the object of desire.
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What is the consequence of an unresolved conflict in the genital stage?
Difficulty forming heterosexual relationships.
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What is the consequence of an unresolved conflict in the Oral stage?
Oral fixation, smoking, biting nails, sarcastic and critical.
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What is the consequence of an unresolved conflict in the Anal Stage?
Anal retentive: Perfectionists Anal Expulsive: Messy and Thoughtless
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What is the consequence of an unresolved conflict in the Phallic stage?
Phallic personality , narcassistic, reckless.
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What happens in the Anal stage?
Focus of pleasure is anus. Child gains pleasure from withholding and expelling faeces.
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What happens in the Phallic stage?
Focus of pleasure is the genital area. Child experiences the Oedipus or Electra complex.
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EVal: EXplanatory Power
Points should include: Influenfluential in psychology, explains personality development, abnormal behaviour and the connection between childhood experiences and their affects on later life.
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Eval: The Case Study Method
Points Should Include: Largely based on casxe studies (Little Hans) so ahrd to make universal claims. Conclusions drawn are also highly subjective and so the theory has no scientific rigour.
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Eval: Untestable Concepts
Points Should Include: It is argued that the theory does not meet the scientific criteria of falsification; this is because it is not possible to test the concepts and so can therefore not be open to be disproved. 'Pseudoscience'.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are the three compments of the personality according to Freud?



Card 3


Which part of the personality operates on the reality principle?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Which part of the personality operates on the pleasure principle?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Which part of the personality operates on the morality principle?


Preview of the front of card 5
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