AQA Anthology

The Manhunt
Author: Simon Armitage "passionate nights" "unexploded mine" "only then, did I come close"
1 of 18
Sonnet 43
Author: Elizabeth Browning "How do I love thee?" "I love thee" "depth and breadth and height"
2 of 18
Author: William Blake "charter' streets" "chimney-sweeper's cry" "Marriage hearse"
3 of 18
The Soldier
Author: Rupert Brooke "corner of a foreign field" "English heaven" "breathing English air"
4 of 18
She Walks in Beauty
Author: Lord Bryon "thoughts serenly sweet express" "one ray the less" "whose love is innocent"
5 of 18
Living Space
Author: Imitiaz Dharker "eggs in a wire basket" "slanted universe" "miraculous"
6 of 18
As Impercetibly as Grief
Author: Emily Dickinson "Summer lapsed away" "Summer made her light espace" "As Guest, that would be gone"
7 of 18
Cozy Apologia
Author: Rita Dove "I could pick anything and think of you" "Big Bad Floyd" "talent was to kiss you senseless"
8 of 18
Author: Carol Ann Duffy "fierce kiss" "kissogram" "wobbling photo of grief"
9 of 18
A Wife in London
Author: Thomas Hardy "tawny vapour" "he- has fallen" "firelight flicker"
10 of 18
A Death of a Naturalist
Author: Seamus Heaney "warm thick slobber" "dots burst into nimble-swimming tadpoles" "obscene threats"
11 of 18
Hawk Roosting
Author: Ted Hughes "now I hold creation in my foot" "I kill where I please" "I am going to keep things like this"
12 of 18
To Autumn
Author: John Keats "last oozings hour by hour" "ripeness to the core" "maturing sun"
13 of 18
Author: Philip Larkin "summer is fading" "their courting-places, still..." "our wedding, lying"
14 of 18
Dulce at Decorum Est
Author: Wilfred Owen "all went lame" "like a man in fire or lime" "guttering choking and drowning"
15 of 18
Author: Percy Bysshe Shelley "vast" "on the sand" "king of kings"
16 of 18
Mametz Wood
Author: Owen Sheers "paused mid dance-macabre" "broken mosaic" "boots that's outlasted them"
17 of 18
Excerpt from The Prelude
Author: William Wordsworth "untried horse" "tinkled like iron" "ice crag"
18 of 18

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Card 2


Sonnet 43


Author: Elizabeth Browning "How do I love thee?" "I love thee" "depth and breadth and height"

Card 3




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Card 4


The Soldier


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Card 5


She Walks in Beauty


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