AQA Engliah Language Gender Theories 0.0 / 5 ? English LanguageLanguage and genderA2/A-levelAQA Created by: GeorgieDzzzCreated on: 31-05-18 17:57 Select the 4 correct categories of Deborah Jones' women's oral culture House Talk, Scandal, Bitching and Chatting 1 of 5 in Miller and Swift's Handbook of non sexist writing, what were the probelms brought up? The use of man as a false generic, The pronoun problem, The Discrimination in job titles, Genrealisations, Non parallel treatment 2 of 5 Dale Spender has which theory? Man Made Language 3 of 5 Herriman in "Descriptions of woman and man in present day Englsih" describes what? Collocations for women are of physical attractivness eg pretty, for men it's terms for height, abilities and personality 4 of 5 What is Berger's theory on Representational Practices in Advertising? Men act and women appear 5 of 5
English Language Diversity and Change Theories Booklet with Key Terms for AQA A-level Paper 2 0.0 / 5
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