What was the regency council and why was it established?
It was set up to exercise power during Edward's reign - Somerset overthrew this within weeks
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What title did Somerset give himself?
The King's Protector - protecting Edward and effectively ruling England until Edward was old enough
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Why did people begin to fear Somerset and his new rule?
Breakdown of law and order - Hommily of obediene was published
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What were the key factors within Somerset's foreign policy?
1. To defeat Scotland - vision of unity between Mary Queen of Scots and Edward
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Was the invasion of Scotland a sucess?
No - forts were difficult to capture and hard to maintain AND France aided Scotland
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What were some key factors within Somerset's religious policy?`
Protestant - influence religious changes whilst welcoming radical protestant groups
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When was the Act of 'Deuninication of images in London' passed?
1547 - Destroyed religious images
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When was the Injunctions of 1553 reissued?
1547 - Attacked popular features of Catholicism
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When did the Dissolution of the Chantries take place?
1547 - For money to fund foreign policy (Battle of Pinkie lost alot of money) and because purgatory was no longer in doctrine (no need to pay the dead)
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When was the New Book of Common Prayer published?
1549 - Introduced communion of both kinds and outlined the doctrine that was to be LEGALLY followed
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When was the Act of Uniformity passed?
1549 - Ensured that the Book of Common Prayer was the only legal form of worship and ensured that there was no latin in Churches
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Why was 1549 a significant year?
Major rebellions took place - high levels of disorder whilst the government was struggling to cope and taxation was increased
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When was enclosure introduced?
1549 - common land was taken into private ownership meaning peasants lost rights to access land and suffered poverty as a result
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Outline key facts about the Western Rebellion
Took place in 1549 - Motivated by religious grievances - Wanted traditional Catholicism back
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Outline key facts about Kett's rebellion
NOT religiously motivated - motivated by social differences and class conflict
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How did Somerset deal with these rebellions?
Western rebellion was dealt with using force and executed rebels without trial - Ketts rebellion was brutally supressed with 3000 rebels killed
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Who suceeded Henry VIII?
Edward VI
Card 3
What was the regency council and why was it established?
Card 4
What title did Somerset give himself?
Card 5
Why did people begin to fear Somerset and his new rule?
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