AQA French GCE Vocab
French A2 Vocab from the topics:
La société multiculturelle,
Problèmes sociaux contemporains.
4.5 / 5 based on 10 ratings
- Created by: Charlie
- Created on: 14-06-11 14:15
What is the French for 'putrescible'?
1 of 84
What is the French for 'household waste'?
Les ordures ménagères
2 of 84
What is the English for 'global warming'?
Le réchauffement de la planète
3 of 84
What is the English for 'la fonte des calottes glaciaires'?
Melting of the ice caps
4 of 84
What is the English for 'gourmand'?
5 of 84
What is the English for 'fluvial'?
Using rivers
6 of 84
What is the French for 'harmful'?
7 of 84
What is the French for 'to have the upper hand'?
Avoir la cote
8 of 84
What is the English for 'croître'?
To grow
9 of 84
What is the English for 'l’épuisement'?
10 of 84
What is the French for 'price hike'?
Une flambée des prix
11 of 84
What is the French for 'energy policy'?
La politique énergétique
12 of 84
What is the English for 'inépuisable'?
13 of 84
What is the French for 'wind turbine'?
Une éolienne
14 of 84
What is the English for 'la mise en œuvre'?
15 of 84
What is the English for 'la croissance'?
16 of 84
What is the French for 'carbon footprint'?
Une empreinte écologique
17 of 84
What is the English for 'la durabilité'?
18 of 84
What is the English for 'la récolte'?
19 of 84
What is the English for 'la chasse'?
20 of 84
What is the French for 'a victim of'?
Un proie à
21 of 84
What is the French for 'asylum'?
Un asile
22 of 84
What is the French for 'their low income'?
La faiblesse de leurs revenus
23 of 84
What is the French for 'overcrowded'?
24 of 84
What is the English for 'la zone frontalière'?
Border zone
25 of 84
What is the French for 'shanty town'?
Le bidonville
26 of 84
What is the English for 'le terrain vague'?
Waste land
27 of 84
What is the English for 'le/la beur'?
2nd generation of North African living in France
28 of 84
What is the French for 'root'?
La racine
29 of 84
What is the English for 'la banlieue'?
30 of 84
What is the French for 'the rate of unemployment'?
Le taux de chômage
31 of 84
What is the English for 'une émeute'?
32 of 84
What is the French for 'to be forced to'?
Être contraint de
33 of 84
What is the English for 'le déchirement'?
34 of 84
What is the French for 'custom'?
La coutume
35 of 84
What is the English for 'prison avec sursis'?
Suspended sentence
36 of 84
What is the English for 'taguer'?
To graffiti
37 of 84
What is the English for 'le/la SDF'?
Homeless person
38 of 84
What is the French for 'redundancy'?
Le licenciement
39 of 84
What is the English for 'défavorisé'?
40 of 84
What is the French for 'branded as scum'?
Traité de racaille
41 of 84
What is the French for 'charitable foundation'?
Une association caritative
42 of 84
What is the French for 'aux prises avec'?
Struggling against
43 of 84
What is the English for 'la délinquance'?
44 of 84
What is teh French for 'offense'?
Le délit
45 of 84
What is the English for 'une infraction'?
46 of 84
What is the English for 'le cambriolage'?
47 of 84
What is the French for 'reoffending'?
La récidive
48 of 84
What is the English for 'mettre en place'?
To set up
49 of 84
What is the English for 'périscolaire'?
Outside school
50 of 84
What is the French for 'punishment'?
La répression
51 of 84
What is the French for 'to trigger'?
52 of 84
What is the English for 'le décryptage du génome'?
Decrypting of the human genome
53 of 84
What is the French for 'cure'?
La guérison
54 of 84
What is the English for 'des poursuites'?
Legal proceedings
55 of 84
What is the English for 'incarcérer'?
To send to prison
56 of 84
What is the French for 'capital punishment'?
La peine capitale
57 of 84
What is the English for 'la réclusion à perpétuité'?
Life imprisonment
58 of 84
What is the French for 'testimony'?
Le témoignage
59 of 84
What is the English for 'une empreinte digitale'?
60 of 84
What is the English for 'une remise de peine'?
Sentence reduction
61 of 84
What is the French for 'detention centre'?
Une refeute
62 of 84
What is the French for 'aggravated assault'
Coups et blessures
63 of 84
What is the English for 'le détournement de fonds'?
64 of 84
What is the English for 'le vol à la tire'?
65 of 84
What is the French for 'shoplifting'?
Le vol à l'étalage
66 of 84
What is the English for 'un assassinat'?
67 of 84
What is the French for '****'?
Un viol
68 of 84
What is the French for 'leading technology'?
La technologie de pointe
69 of 84
What is the English for 'les retombées'?
70 of 84
What is the English for 'mettre au point'?
To develop
71 of 84
What is the French for 'researcher'?
Un chercheur
72 of 84
What is the English for 'faire des expériences'?
To experiment
73 of 84
What is the French for 'genetic engineering'?
Le génie génétique
74 of 84
What is the French for 'embryo'?
Un embryon
75 of 84
What is the English for 'un généticien'?
Genetic engineer
76 of 84
What is the French for 'nucleus'?
Un noyau
77 of 84
What is the French for 'breakthrough'?
Une percée
78 of 84
What is the English for 'étiquetage'?
79 of 84
What is the French for 'Mad Cow disease'?
La maladie de la vache folle
80 of 84
What is the English for 'le croisement'?
81 of 84
What is the French for 'foot and mouth disease'?
La fièvre aphteuse
82 of 84
What is the English for 'le patrimoine génétique'?
Genetic heritage
83 of 84
What is the French for 'yield'?
Le rendement
84 of 84
Other cards in this set
Card 2
What is the French for 'household waste'?
Les ordures ménagères
Card 3
What is the English for 'global warming'?
Card 4
What is the English for 'la fonte des calottes glaciaires'?
Card 5
What is the English for 'gourmand'?
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