AQA GCSE Physics Flashcards Part 2
3.5 / 5 based on 3 ratings
- Created by: Abbie
- Created on: 15-05-13 18:40
What are conductors?
Materials that electrical charges can move easily through.
1 of 26
a)What causes the build up of static electricity? & b)Which particles move when static builds up?
a)Friction- when certain insulating materials are rubbed together. b)Negatively charged electrons.
2 of 26
What is the definition of Current? & its unit?
The flow of electric charge round the circuit. (amps, A)
3 of 26
What is the definition & its unit of: a)Potential Difference? and b)Resistance?
a)The driving force that pushes the current round. (volts, V). b)Anything in the circuit which slows the flow down. (ohms)
4 of 26
What do you use the standard test circuit to find out?
To know the resistance of a component.
5 of 26
What material is a diode made from?
Semiconductor material such as silicon.
6 of 26
Give 3 applications of LED's
1)used in appliances to show that they are switched on. (also remote controls) 2)Numbers on digital clocks. 3)In traffic Lights
7 of 26
Give 2 applications of LDR's
1)Automatic night lights 2)Burglar detectors
8 of 26
What happens if you remove or disconnect one component in a: a)Series Circuit & b)Parallel Circuits
a)The circuit is broken and they all stop. & b)It will hardly affect the other components at all.
9 of 26
Why is parallel connection essential in a car? (2 features)
1)Everything can be turned on and off seperately. 2)Everything always gets the full voltage from the battery.
10 of 26
What are the 3 wires in a three-core cable.
1)Brown Live Wire 2)Blue Neutral Wire 3)Green & Yellow Earth Wire
11 of 26
How does an RCCB stop you from getting electrocuted? (Residual Current Circuit Breaker)
If somebody touches live wire, a small deadly current will flow through them to the earth. This means the neutral carries less current than the live wire. The RCCB detects the difference in current and quickly cuts off the power by opening a switch.
12 of 26
How does a fuse and earth wire work together? how?
The earth wire works with a fuse to prevent fire and shocks. & It is attached to the metal casing of the plug and carries the electricity to earth, should something go wrong and the live or neutral wires touch the metal case.
13 of 26
Explain how the experiments of Rutherford and Marsden led to the nuclear model of the atom?
In 1909, they tried firing a beam of alpha particles at thin gold foil & most alpha particles just went striaght through, but the odd one came straight back at them. They realised this meant most of the mass of the atom was concentrated in nucleus
14 of 26
a)What voltage is the Blue Neutral Wire always at? &b)Which wire in a mains supply alternates between high +ve and -ve voltage?
a)0 Volts &b)Brown Live Wire
15 of 26
a)What material are the metal parts of a plug made of? &b)What materials are the case, cable grip and cable insulation made of?
a)Copper or Brass (good conductors) &b)Rubber or Plastic (good insulators & flexible)
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a)What does 'Earthing' mean? &b)What are know as two-core cables?
a)It means the case must be attached to an earth wire. &b)Cables that only carry the live and neutral wires.
17 of 26
a)How many watts are in 1 kW? b)What did Thomson suggest about atoms?
a)1000 Watts &b)Atoms were spheres of positive charge with tiny negative electrons stuck in them like plums in a plum pudding.
18 of 26
a)What makes up most of the mass of an atom? &b)What are the relative charges & masses of each particle?
a)The nucleus &b)Relative Masses= Proton-1, Neutron-1, Electron-1/2000. Charges= Proton-+1, Neutron-0, Electron--1.
19 of 26
a)What is the atomic number? &b)What is the Mass number?
a)Number of Protons in an atom. &b)Number of protons+ Number of neutrons in an atom.
20 of 26
Where do Radioactive substances give out radiation from?
The nuclei of their atoms
21 of 26
What types of radiation do Radioactive substances emit? &What are these?
Alpha- Helium Nuclei, Beta-Electrons, Gamma-Very Short Wavelength EM Waves.
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What is Half-Life?
The average time it takes for the number of nuclei in a radioactive isotope sample to halve.
23 of 26
What are the precautions you should take when handling radioactive sources in the laboratory?
1)Never allow skin contact & handle with tongs 2)Hold the source at arms length, decreasing amount of radiation that hits you 3)Keep the source pointing away from the body & avoid looking directly at it 4)Always store radioactive sources in lead box
24 of 26
Give an example of how gamma radiation can be used in medicine?
In Radiotherapy- since high doses of gamma rays will kill all living cells, they can be used to treat cancers. The gamma rays have to be directed carefully and at just the right dosage to kill the cancer cells without damaging too many normal cells.
25 of 26
What is the main environmental problem associated with nuclear power?
26 of 26
Other cards in this set
Card 2
a)What causes the build up of static electricity? & b)Which particles move when static builds up?
a)Friction- when certain insulating materials are rubbed together. b)Negatively charged electrons.
Card 3
What is the definition of Current? & its unit?

Card 4
What is the definition & its unit of: a)Potential Difference? and b)Resistance?

Card 5
What do you use the standard test circuit to find out?

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