aqa sociology parts missed in my other flashcards
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- Created by: joe steele
- Created on: 06-05-13 14:53
person living alone or with a group, may or may not be related
1 of 90
instrumental + expressive role
2 of 90
segregated role + joint conjugal roles
3 of 90
young and wilmott
march of progress to equality
4 of 90
fewer than 20% of men involved in child care
5 of 90
wives who don't work do 83% of work. part time 82%. full time 73%.
6 of 90
blames gender scripts
7 of 90
career takes priority so men makes choice. men - make very important choices, finance, moving jobs. women make decisions on shopping, decorating.
8 of 90
survey of 16k suggests 6.6 million domestic attacks a year
9 of 90
what percentage of attacks is on women?
10 of 90
fraction of women who receive this abuse
1/4 have, 1/8 repeatedly
11 of 90
35 attacks till reported
12 of 90
cheal, 3 reasons polic reluctant to get involved?
family is private. family is a good thing "dark side is neglected", women are free to leave
13 of 90
pooling and allowance
14 of 90
Elliot criticism
not all men are violent and benefit from violence. most oppose it
15 of 90
wilkinson says
low income, overcrowded house, worries lack of money can cause violence
16 of 90
mirrlees black stats on men
1 in 20 men attacked. 1 in 8 repeatedly
17 of 90
1/4 of 200 women left husband for childs safety
18 of 90
postman blur between adults and children
childrens ignorance, replaced with knowledge
19 of 90
dixon margo
uk near top in international tables for obesity, self harm, drug abuse, violence, teenage pregnancy and sex
20 of 90
benedicts 3 differences on industrial child hood and non industrial
responsibility at early age, children valued less and sexual behaviour
21 of 90
age patriarchy
inequalities between adults and children
22 of 90
criticisms of murdocks 4 functions of family
fem- serves men marx- serves capitalism, not family members
23 of 90
criticisms of parons functional fit
young an wilmott- pre industrial families were nuclear. industrial society had "mum centered" extended families among working class for support
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average to give birth
25 of 90
fertility rate among 30 and 40 year old women
26 of 90
fertility rate
2.95 in 1964. 1.84 in 2006
27 of 90
infant mortality rates
154 in 1900 30 in 2007
28 of 90
death rate
19 in 1900 10 in 2007
29 of 90
average in the uk
34 in 1971. 39.6 in 2007
30 of 90
Griffiths says
facing a problem of meeting the cost of all the old people
31 of 90
2001 ethnic minority population
32 of 90
immigrants1994 vs 2004
1994= 314k 2004= 582k
33 of 90
emigrants " "
1994=238k 2004=360k
34 of 90
divorce rates 1921 and 1961
21=3k 61=27k
35 of 90
charles on the extended family now days
all but extinct except in bangladeshi families in the city
36 of 90
willmott extended family now days
continues as dispersed extended family through frequent visits and calls
37 of 90
7/10 divorce applications
from women
38 of 90
1923 policy on divorce
equalised gender grounds for divorce
39 of 90
working class mother and domestic support each other domestically. Middle class father and son financial support
40 of 90
fathers will abandon responsibility if states will look after their kids. council provides housing for unmarried teens who have a child, encourages teen girls to have their poonanny smashed and have a baby.
41 of 90
Land (feminist)
social policies assume ideal family is patriarchal nuclear
42 of 90
tax benefit policies assume
men are natural wage earners
43 of 90
Drew two types of gender regimes
familistic and individualistic(men and women treated equal)
44 of 90
eg. of individualistic
sweeden treat men and women as equal for breadwinning and domestic work
45 of 90
greece assume (familistic)
men are breadwinners, little childcare benefits for women
46 of 90
cohabitation is a step toward marriage
47 of 90
75% of cohabs expect to get married in the marriage
48 of 90
cohab among some young represents conscious way of creating more personal, negotiated and equal relationship
49 of 90
shelton and john
women in cohab do less house work
50 of 90
5-7% of adults have
same sex relationships(impossible to tell if increase, stigma and illegality in the past)
51 of 90
1965 gay policy
******* legal at 21
52 of 90
more recent gay policy
gays can have sex same age as straights
53 of 90
2002 cohabs given ..
same right to adoption as married
54 of 90
2004 civil partnership act
same sex couples can w
55 of 90
as of 2006 3/10 households
contain one person (half are 65+) doubles since 1961. no. of below 65's living alone tripled since 1961.
56 of 90
some women single by choice, professional women can support them and their children/
57 of 90
New right on divorce
undesirable. undermines nuclear family. welfare dependent lone more
58 of 90
desirable. gives women choice. breaking from opression
59 of 90
marriage isn't under threat, divorce just shows people have high expectations but remarriage is high so shows peoples commitment to marriage
60 of 90
see it as free choice and creates family diversity
61 of 90
4/10 marriage
end up a remarriage in 2005
62 of 90
31 average age of first marriage in 2005. what was it in 1971
24!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8===D
63 of 90
1981 60% of marriage in church. how many god botherers in 2005
64 of 90
reasons for increase in cohab, decrease in marriage
secularisation, cohabitation, decline in negatives attitudes at sex out of marriage 1989- 44% say it's okay 62%-2000
65 of 90
opinions on cohabitation old and young
88% 18-24 say it's all good homie. 40% of the old bags (65+) say it is okay, just cuz they ain't gettin none
66 of 90
80% of step families have
a child from the ladies side
67 of 90
ferri and smith
reconstituted families at greater risk of poverty
68 of 90
7.9% of country
69 of 90
half of black familys with dependent children are
headed by a black lone parent(2002)
70 of 90
where as indians
only one in 10
71 of 90
idea for reason behind black trend
slavery because when they were sold, children would go with the mother. unemployed black dudes.
72 of 90
black women place high importance on independence. they are not disorganised families.
73 of 90
data is misleading most lone parents have support financially
74 of 90
bangladeshi average no. in house
75 of 90
76 of 90
77 of 90
78 of 90
79 of 90
migrants offered support when migrating in the 50's and 60's this is why asians have giganticus lupicus families
80 of 90
social and health workers control and change families
81 of 90
compulsory parenting orders through court control families
82 of 90
new labour and new right similarity
both agree nuclear family is the best family. cut benefits to lone parents.
83 of 90
studied the percentage of who becomes lone parents. married-6%. cohabs 20%. closely involved-74%
84 of 90
Critics of new right
no evidence lone parents are part of dependent. patriarchal and oppressive
85 of 90
chester- post modernists
neo coventional families. dual earner families.lone parent are temporary, most people still aspire to have a traditional family.
86 of 90
support of chester
most people live in house headed by married couple.most marriages continue until death. divorcees re-marry and cohabitation is increasing
87 of 90
rapoport and rapoport 5 family types
organisational diversity (eg. joint conjugal or segregated roles). cultural diversity. life stage(new weds, couples with kids. retired and kids left). social class(i.e different incomes effect structure). generational
88 of 90
shift in attitudes
89 of 90
beck- risk society
we live in a society of risks. though traditional family was oppressive and unequal provided stability. undermined by greater individualism and gender equality.
90 of 90
Other cards in this set
Card 2
instrumental + expressive role
Card 3
Card 4
young and wilmott
Card 5
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