AREA OF STUDY 3 TEST UR SELF AND UR FE 2.5 / 5 based on 2 ratings ? MusicMiles DavisJeff BuckleyMobyGCSEEdexcel Created by: LinzyCreated on: 08-03-14 16:39 Did Miles Davis improvise or did he note down what they were going to play? Improvse 1 of 11 Which note is all blues? Mixolydian mode 2 of 11 When did Davis perform all blues? 1959 3 of 11 What dose Buckly do with his vocals? Wordless singing 4 of 11 What is the structre for Grace? Verse-chorus 5 of 11 When was Why does my heart feel so bad relaesd? 1999 6 of 11 Have the instruments in Why does my heart feel so bad performed live or programed? Programed 7 of 11 Where have the samples been taken from? Gospel Music 8 of 11 What style of music is Jeff Buckly? Folk rock 9 of 11 What style of music is Miles Davis? Jazz 10 of 11 What style of music is Moby? Club dance 11 of 11