aristotle's philosophy 0.0 / 5 ? PhilosophyaristotleA2/A-levelOCR Created by: beaw18Created on: 01-06-19 16:56 what is telos? the idea that we have a goal/purpose 1 of 9 quote which shows aristotle as an empiricist = 'there is nothing in the intellect that was not first in the sense' 2 of 9 which book can aristotle's ideas be found? the metaphysics 3 of 9 what is a human's purpose/final cause? eudaimonia - meaning human flourishing 4 of 9 what take does aristotle have on the soul? modified dualist 5 of 9 finish the line - 'the soul is the ...' formal cause of a human being 6 of 9 what is the prime mover? the cause of all motion in the universe. exists outside of the universe 7 of 9 which book records aristotle's ideas about the soul de anima 8 of 9 what does aristotle say about life after death? he doesn't focus much on the question of immortality, but suggests that intellectual thought may live on after death. unclear how 9 of 9
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