What had the military reforms of the last two decades been focused on?
Boosting professionalism rather than numbers
2 of 8
What were the main problems facing the army at this time?
Gov didn't want to spend money on them, army had done well in colonial wars so felt no need to change and Duke Of Cambridge = commander in chief --> likes traditional tacts.
3 of 8
Who was Cambridge replaced by in 1895?
Lord Wolseley - favoured reform
4 of 8
In what ways were the British Army prepared for war?
Officers and men hardened by colonial wars. Military leaders responded well to scientific and technological advances. Good supply and transport
5 of 8
In what ways were the British army NOT prepared for war?
Shortage of ammunition and khaki uniforms. Understaffed departments, too traditional with their tactics.
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In what ways were the Boers prepared for war?
Excellent horsemen and hunters, armed with Europe's best weapons, familiar with the terrain, strong morale and support from Boers in Cape Colony and Natal.
7 of 8
In what ways were the Boers NOT prepared for war?
Very few men (60,00) and mainly a civilian militia - men had to bring own weapon and own horse.
8 of 8
Other cards in this set
Card 2
What had the military reforms of the last two decades been focused on?
Boosting professionalism rather than numbers
Card 3
What were the main problems facing the army at this time?
Card 4
Who was Cambridge replaced by in 1895?
Card 5
In what ways were the British Army prepared for war?
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