What is meant by the term 'manager-centred' leadership?
Leadership which focuses on getting the task done, and involves downward communication to subordinates
1 of 9
Describe a 'Hard' HRM approach?
Employees are a resource to be used optimally, to fulfil the strategic needs of the business. Employees are temporary, paid minimum wage, and may be on zero hours contracts.
2 of 9
Describe a 'Soft' HRM approach?
The are the most valuable asset to a business. The business will encourage employee engagement, personal and professional development, as well as provide good working conditions for employees.
3 of 9
In the Blake-Mouton grid, what does an impoverished style of leadership mean?
Low concern for people, low concern for product
4 of 9
What leadership style is graded as 5,5 on the Blake-Mouton grid?
Middle-of-the-road style
5 of 9
What would a leadership style categorised as 'Team Style' or 9,9 on the Blake-Mouton grid entail?
High concern for people, high concern for production
6 of 9
List some traits of a democratic leadership style
Leader consults with workers before making a decision, the leader delegates and encourages decentralisation, subordinates are empowered, encourages discussion with employees
7 of 9
What is meant by the term 'labour turnover'?
The percentage of employees who leave the business over some period of time
8 of 9
What is meant by the term 'labour retention'?
The extent to which a business holds on to its employees
9 of 9
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Describe a 'Hard' HRM approach?
Employees are a resource to be used optimally, to fulfil the strategic needs of the business. Employees are temporary, paid minimum wage, and may be on zero hours contracts.
Card 3
Describe a 'Soft' HRM approach?
Card 4
In the Blake-Mouton grid, what does an impoverished style of leadership mean?
Card 5
What leadership style is graded as 5,5 on the Blake-Mouton grid?
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