The electrostatic attraction between positive and negative ions
1 of 5
What structure is formed by ionic bonds?
The structure of ionic substances is described as a giant ionic lattice.
2 of 5
Describe the melting point of ionic substances
High melting point. A lot of energy is required to break the strong electrostatic attraction between oppositely charged ions
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Desribe the conductivity of ionic substances
Conduct electricity when molten or aqueous as the elctrons are free to carry a charge
4 of 5
Describe the solubility of ionic substances
- Ionic substances are soluble (mostly). The polar molecules of water are attracted to the oppositely charged ions. Water molecules break ionic bonds and wrap around the individual ions.
5 of 5
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Card 2
What structure is formed by ionic bonds?
The structure of ionic substances is described as a giant ionic lattice.
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