AS English Language Technical Features

Multi-modal = Picture and text
Graphology = Includes colour-coding, font, symbols, logos.
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Semantics= Subliminal: hidden meaning. Denotation: hidden meaning. Connotation: dictionary definition.
Grammar = common noun:word for something, proper: name of something with capital letter, abstract things YOU CANNOT see or touch, concrete things YOU CAN see or touch. Adjective describes a noun, verb is a doing word, adverb describes a verb.
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The three type of sentence types = Simple, compund, complex.
Different tones = Declarative (statement), exclamatory (wow!), interrogative (question someone), imperative (urging importance).
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Lexical fields = groups of vocabulary e.g. football "goalkeeper, glove, manager".
Jargon = specialist vocabulary.
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Phonology = spoken language. Hedge e.g. you know. Filler e.g. er. Interruption for power. Phatic talk is small talk. Pause/repetition for effect. Divergence = change language. Convergence = same language as someone else.
Idiolect is own language, sociolect is language of a group. BBC English, Estuary English, non-standard grammar. Utterance = spoken word. Colloquial language (informal).
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Alliteration- repetition of same letter. Onomatopoeia- sounds like word. Sibilance- repetition of "s" sound. Assonance- repetition of vowels.
THEORIES: Zimmerman and West = men are more dominant. Tannen= men go off facts, women emotions status vs support. Lakoff = politeness strategy used by women to get what they want. Fairclough = instrumental and influential power.
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Derogation = language to put someone down. Stereotyping = how a person "should" be to suit society. PC language is political correctness e.g. learning environment rather than classroom.
Euphemism (breaking bad news gently). Neologism (creating new words for inventions). False start is saying something then changing it as it is incorrect due to self-correctness.
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Can also use: metaphor, simile, personification, rhyme and PRAGMATICS
POWER; Instrumental power is enforcing authority. Influential power is persuasive (Fairclough). Deontic displays certainty e.g. you must do that. Modal verb e.g. should, could, would.
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Synthetic personalisation is using "you,we" when it is not actually speaking directly to the person. Face threatening is given insults, shouting (unpleasant things). Face saving is respecting, keeping dignity etc. (Brown and Levinson)/ Goffman.
Tag questions are adding a question onto a statement e.g. nice weather, isn't it? Phonetic contraction is shortening a word to how it sounds e.g cos from because. Hyperbole is exaggeration.
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GROUPS: 1) Grammar and lexis 2) Graphology and semantics 3) Phonology
GENDER: Marked form e.g. waiter, waitress. Covert = hidden, does not show feelings. Overt = open and honest.
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Non-fluency features are things like pauses. Superlative highest form, exaggerating words.
STRUCTURE: Q1 write a paragraph for each text and group them. Q2/3/4: Annotate and write around 10 developed points. Have introduction and link to topic e.g. gender/power/technology.
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Card 2


Semantics= Subliminal: hidden meaning. Denotation: hidden meaning. Connotation: dictionary definition.


Grammar = common noun:word for something, proper: name of something with capital letter, abstract things YOU CANNOT see or touch, concrete things YOU CAN see or touch. Adjective describes a noun, verb is a doing word, adverb describes a verb.

Card 3


The three type of sentence types = Simple, compund, complex.


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Lexical fields = groups of vocabulary e.g. football "goalkeeper, glove, manager".


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Phonology = spoken language. Hedge e.g. you know. Filler e.g. er. Interruption for power. Phatic talk is small talk. Pause/repetition for effect. Divergence = change language. Convergence = same language as someone else.


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