a distinctive way of pronouncing a language, especially one associated with a particular country, area, or social class
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What is dialect ?
a particular form of a language which is peculiar to a specific region or social group
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What is sociolect ?
a variety of a language used by a particular social group; a social dialect
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What is idiolect ?
a person's individual speech pattern
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Recieved Pronunciation/ Standard English is ?
the type of accent spoken by the queen, otherwise known to be 'proper' english often used by those of upper classes
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Giles Acceptibility test...
Howard Giles conducted research on a University campus.He has a range of speakers reading an extract on crime and punishment to a group of students, he then asked the to rate the speaker in regards to their friendliness and knowledge
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Social accents ?
Can change depending on who you are with, accent can change dpending on the influence of an environment or social group you are with
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Regional accents ?
Reflects the accent of where you live, each place in the UK has distinctive features and pronunciations of words, which can show where the speaker is from
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Key Features that influence your accent and dialect are ?
Social class & Social mobility (a person's move from one social class or level to another)
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Peter Trudgill and social class...
Looks at how people pronoounce certain words with ing endings. He asked respondents to define own social class and placed them in formal and informal settings to read our and talk. He discovered more women used standrad pronunciation than men
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Malcolm Petyt and social class...
Researched in Bradford, looking at the way males and females used the dropping of the h. He found that females used more standard form than the males , because they were more concious of their social class.
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