AS LAW - The Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 0.0 / 5 ? LawCriminal lawASOCR Created by: Jaz.h99Created on: 27-02-17 09:30 PACE ACT S1 an officer has the right to search any person in a public place 1 of 29 PACE ACT S2 GOWISELY and JOG 2 of 29 PACE ACT S3 police must make a written record of every search 3 of 29 PACE ACT S4 police power to search any vehicle in a public place 4 of 29 PACE ACT S16 a warrant to enter and search a building may be executed by any officer 5 of 29 PACE ACT S17 any officer with a warrant may search a premises for the purpose of an arrest 6 of 29 PACE ACT S18 any officer with a warrant may search a premises for the purpose of finding evidence 7 of 29 PACE ACT S24 an officer must prove an arrest is necessary without a warrant 8 of 29 PACE ACT S24a citizens right to arrest without warrant 9 of 29 PACE ACT S26 powers for arrest under common law 10 of 29 PACE ACT S30 the suspect must be taken to the police station as soon as practical after the arrest 11 of 29 PACE ACT S30a any suspect may be granted bail for a minor offence before they reach the police station. 12 of 29 PACE ACT S37 role of the custody officer is to look after the well-being of the suspect and make them aware of their rights 13 of 29 PACE ACT S38 the custody officer may grant bail to a suspect 14 of 29 PACE ACT S39 the custody officer must document everything the suspect does 15 of 29 PACE ACT S41 the police can only detain a suspect for 24 hours 16 of 29 PACE ACT S42 the suspect can be detained for 24 hours plus and extra 12 if warranted by a superintendent or above 17 of 29 PACE ACT S43 a suspect can be detained for a total of 72 hours with warrant from a magistrate 18 of 29 PACE ACT S44 magistrate can warrant 96 hours detention max 19 of 29 PACE ACT S46 police has the power to arrest anyone who fails to return on bail 20 of 29 PACE ACT S54 police can make in depth searches in a private place, by an officer of the same gender 21 of 29 PACE ACT S56 detainee has the right to have someone informed of their arrest 22 of 29 PACE ACT S58 suspect must be told that legal advice is available in private or duty solicitor is available FOC 23 of 29 PACE ACT S60 every interview has to be tape recorded 24 of 29 PACE ACT S61 police can take fingerprints with reasonable force 25 of 29 PACE ACT S62 intimate samples can be taken 26 of 29 PACE ACT S63 non-intimate 27 of 29 PACE ACT S76 statements gained through oppression are inadmissable 28 of 29 PACE ACT S78 trial judge has discretion to refuse evidence gained through oppression 29 of 29
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