AS Media Terms 0.0 / 5 ? Media StudiesAll key termsASAQA Created by: mayagervais1Created on: 19-05-18 06:29 Media Language Techniques used in a media product to communicate to an audience 1 of 41 Mis-en-scene Everything you can see in the scene for example positioning,costumes,props 2 of 41 Typography The way in which the style,design and colour creates a meaning 3 of 41 Intertextuality Relationships between media texts 4 of 41 Semiotics The study of how people make sense of the world around them through visual information 5 of 41 Icon An icon has a physical resemblance to whats being represented (picture) 6 of 41 Index Index shows evidence of whats being represented (like a picture of smoke to indicate fire) 7 of 41 Symbol More like number and the symbol must be culturally learned 8 of 41 Codes Codes are a system of signs that create a meaning 9 of 41 Ideology Set of values,attitudes and beliefs from a societs that believes to be true 10 of 41 Denotation A literal meaning for example a photograph 11 of 41 Connotation The further meaning that can be read from signs 12 of 41 Myth For barthes "myths'' are the dominant ideologies 13 of 41 Signifier The form of a sign for example a sound,word,photograph,facial expressions 14 of 41 Signified The concept or objects thats being represented 15 of 41 Narrative Process of narrativing a story 16 of 41 Plot The main events of a text 17 of 41 Narrative Structure The structure of order in which information is being delivered to the audience 18 of 41 Equilibrium The beginning of the narrative where everything seems normal 19 of 41 Disruption An event that occurs that disrupts the equilibrium 20 of 41 New equilibrium When the disruption has been recognised and resolved and things turn back to normal 21 of 41 Sub-Genre A category of a particular genre 22 of 41 Hybridity Genres are hybridised 23 of 41 Media Industries The process of production 24 of 41 Media Audiences How media forms target, reach and adress audiences 25 of 41 Conglomerate A large company that owns several media companies 26 of 41 Independent A media company that does not fall under any conglomerate or control/regulation 27 of 41 Vertical Intergration When a media company owns companies at different stages in the life of a media product 28 of 41 Horizonal Intergration When media company owns several companies with the same thing 29 of 41 Disversification Start to diversify into other products and services 30 of 41 Commerical Gain their income through advertising 31 of 41 Distribution Process of making a media product avaliable to the audience 32 of 41 Globalisation Societies and countries around the world become connected through trade of communications 33 of 41 Regulation the control,censorship or guidence of mass media by govements 34 of 41 Target audience In which a particular media products is directed at 35 of 41 Secondary audience Viewers and consumer outside the primary audience 36 of 41 Audience Positioning The way in producers encode meaning 37 of 41 Audience Categorising The use of gategorisation to ideentify and categorising audiences 38 of 41 Cultural Values Core principals and idea on which a community based its customs and beliefs 39 of 41 Reception Proccess of receiving in which something is communicated to an audience 40 of 41 Contraversial Reaction that goes against normality 41 of 41
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