is the merger with or acquisition of a company that performs a different role within the same industry e.g. when the producer of a good buys the distributor of the same product. Disney buying a TV channel e.g. SKY that shows Disney content would be a
vertical intergration
1 of 15
This challenges the structuralist view that a media text has one single identifiable meaning. It therefore argues that media texts have different meanings and interpretations to different audiences.
post structuralism
2 of 15
Media texts have a defined meaning and this meaning is created through the use of visual signs that carry meaning called signifiers. Semiotic approach-media has a language with symbols with specific meanings.
3 of 15
is a fixed or standardised representation or view of a specific group of people...
4 of 15
is seen as a condition in which what is real and what is fiction are seamlessly blended together so that there is no clear distinction between where one ends and the other begins... e.g The Matrix or Black Mirror.
Simulacrum and hyperreality
5 of 15
This is the study of codes or languages and the signs from which they are made such as words that are written or spoken.
6 of 15
Representation is the the way in which meaning is given to the things depicted.
representation theory
7 of 15
This suggests that when audiences consume a media text they actively choose how they respond. This is affected by life experiences, social class, gender, ethnic background, political leanings, cultural preferences, education etc
reception theory
8 of 15
is the academic term for any analysis of texts e.g. films which uncovers a homosexual or lesbian interpretation. ______ challenges the position that 'heterosexual' is the only 'normal' sexuality.
queer theory
9 of 15
Someone who both consumes and produces a product is a ??
10 of 15
The continuing impact of the western colonial experience on contemporary non western culture e.g. Africa or India. An example of this is what used to be called The British Empire and how it continues to inform contemporary attitudes to race+ethnicity
post colonialism
11 of 15
Values private enterprise over public services. It believes the MARKET has all the POWER to provide all that people need. The centre of its values the power of the individual.
neo liberalism
12 of 15
The Media creates "scapegoats" or 'folk devils' that result in moral panics and prevents questions being asked about what actually causes these issues e.g. black crime, immigration, terrorists
moral panic theory
13 of 15
Today we make sense of reality with reference to media texts. The media is the most influential reference point and shapes our understanding of the world.
14 of 15
The belief that mass media offers a range of ideologies that audiences can choose to accept or reject.This challenges Marxism & gives credit to audiences.
liberal pluralism
15 of 15
Other cards in this set
Card 2
This challenges the structuralist view that a media text has one single identifiable meaning. It therefore argues that media texts have different meanings and interpretations to different audiences.
post structuralism
Card 3
Media texts have a defined meaning and this meaning is created through the use of visual signs that carry meaning called signifiers. Semiotic approach-media has a language with symbols with specific meanings.
Card 4
is a fixed or standardised representation or view of a specific group of people...
Card 5
is seen as a condition in which what is real and what is fiction are seamlessly blended together so that there is no clear distinction between where one ends and the other begins... e.g The Matrix or Black Mirror.
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