AS physics definition 5.0 / 5 based on 5 ratings ? PhysicsallASCIE Created by: ngaelsaCreated on: 28-03-17 02:58 antinode a point on stationary with maximum amplitude 1 of 23 coherent 2 sources are coherent when they emit waves with a constant phase difference 2 of 23 constructive interference when 2 waves reinforce to give increased amplitude 3 of 23 destructive interference when 2 waves cancel to give reduced amplitude 4 of 23 diffraction the spreading of wave when it passes through a gap or a barrier 5 of 23 e.m.f total work done when unit charge is moved around a complete circuit 6 of 23 electric field a region in which a charged body experiences a force 7 of 23 frequency number of oscilations per unit time 8 of 23 hadron any particle which is affected by the strong nuclear force, made from 2 or 3 quarks or antiquarks 9 of 23 inelastic a collision is inelastic when k.e is not conserved.Momentum and total energy are always conserved 10 of 23 ion an atom with a net positive or negative charge 11 of 23 isotopes nuclei of the same element with a different number of neutrons but the same number of protons 12 of 23 lepton a sub-atomic particle which is not affected by the strong nuclear force 13 of 23 light-independent resistor (LDR) a resistor whose resistance decreases as the intensity of light falling on it increase 14 of 23 light-emitting diode (LED) a semiconductor component that emits light when it conducts electricity 15 of 23 longitudinal wave a wave in which the particles of the medium oscillate along the direction in which the wave travels 16 of 23 mean drift velocity the average speed of a collection of a charged particles when a current flowa 17 of 23 neutrino a lepton released during beta-decay 18 of 23 node a point on stationary wave with zero amplitude 19 of 23 path difference the difference in the distances travelled by 2 waves from coherent sources at a particular point 20 of 23 perfectly elastic a collision is perfectly elastic when k.e is consered. Momentum and total energy are always conserved 21 of 23 period time taken to complete 1 oscillation 22 of 23 phase difference difference in the phases of 2 oscillating particles, expressed in degrees or r 23 of 23
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