Branch of governing system responsible for implementing or carrying out law or policy, known as the government
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Group of snr ministers that meet formally and regularly, chaired by Chief Executive. Operates, in theory, on basis of collectivism
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Prime Minister
Head of gov't, power derived from the leadership of the largest party in the legislature
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Cabinet Committee
Committees appointed by the PM to deal with aspects of gov't business, decisions made in committee have full Cabinet authority
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Cabinet Government
System of gov't in which exec. power is vested in a Cabinet, each member having in theory equal influence and being subject to collective responsibility (convention)
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Prime Ministerial Government
System of gov't in which exec. power is concentrated in hands of PM at the expense of Cabinet at large
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Core Executive Model
More complex and fluid way of understanding exec. power, in which network of actors and institutions can all influence the decision-making process
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Elective dictatorship
Constitutional imbalance in which exec. power is checked only by the need to win subsequent elections
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Coalition government
Gov't where power is shared between two or more parties, based on the distribution among them of ministerial portfolios. Aftermath of a Hung Parliament
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Power of PM to grant favours, rewards and career advancement
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Minority Government
Government made up of a party whose members do not command a maj. seats in Commons
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Special advisers
Advisers appointed to provide advice and support to ministers, providing a different perspective to that of civil servants
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Secondary (or delegated) legislation
Laws made by ministers under powers granted to them by parl. Also known as statutory instruments
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Tendency for gov't departments and agencies to pursue their own interests at the expense of overall gov't objectives
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Quasi-Autonomous Non-Governmental Organisation - public body staffed by appointees rather than elected officials or civil servants
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Collective Ministerial Responsibility
Principle intended to ensure that as decisions are collective members of Cabinet support them publicly or resign
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Individual Ministerial Responsibility
Principle intended to ensure ministers are accountable and responsible for their actions, and mistakes of their departments
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Civil Service
Body of gov't employees entrusted with the admin. of the state and mandated to carry out the policy of the gov't
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Executive agencies
Gov't agencies that carry out some of the functions previously undertaken by civil service departments
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Practice in which gov't 'contracts out' a service, by paying a private provider to deliver it
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Group of snr ministers that meet formally and regularly, chaired by Chief Executive. Operates, in theory, on basis of collectivism
Card 3
Head of gov't, power derived from the leadership of the largest party in the legislature
Card 4
Committees appointed by the PM to deal with aspects of gov't business, decisions made in committee have full Cabinet authority
Card 5
System of gov't in which exec. power is vested in a Cabinet, each member having in theory equal influence and being subject to collective responsibility (convention)
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