Asch Wordsearch 0.0 / 5 ? PsychologyCore studiesASWJEC Created by: leahgreenCreated on: 26-03-14 14:48 Asch's sample was made of 123 ______ from four local colleges males 1 of 7 There was one ______________ for every 6-8 confederates naive participant 2 of 7 Of the 18 trials, how many were critical twelve 3 of 7 Asch used an ________ question unambiguous 4 of 7 Additional procedure manipulated the _______ to between 2 and 16 members group size 5 of 7 In 1935, Sherif studied the _____________ autokinetic effect 6 of 7 In Jenness' experiment, participants guessed an amount of _________ in a jar beans 7 of 7
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