What is the defintion of asthma?
Inflammation of the airways.
1 of 10
What are the causes of asthma?
1. Animal fur. 2. Pollen. 3. Tabacco smoke. 4. Cold air. 5. Exercising.
2 of 10
What are the symptoms of asthma?
1. Feeling breathless/gasping. 2. Tight chest. 3. Wheezing. 4. Coughing (especially at night).
3 of 10
What treatment is there for asthma?
1. Reliver inhaler - blue - salbutamol - opens the airways making it easier to breathe. 2. Preventers - brown - corticosteroid - reduces inflation over time. 3. Spacers - given to children.
4 of 10
What are the physical impacts of asthma?
1. Keep well and stay fit, whilst being aware of any symptoms. 2. Advised to stop smoking. 3. Eat well, whilst remembering some food are triggers. 4. Possible time off work/school. 5. May restrict a child from doing certain sporting acitivites.
5 of 10
What are the intellectual impacts of asthma?
1. Can lower performance in scool. 2. Individual will have more knowledge on asthma.
6 of 10
What are the emotional impacts of asthma?
1. Embarrassed by symptoms. 2. Fearful of an asthma attack. 3. Angry that they may be unable to do certain activities.
7 of 10
What are the social impacts of asthma?
1. Friends and family may worry about the individual. 2. Individual may be left out of some sporting activities.
8 of 10
What are the financial impacts of asthma?
1. Time off work. 2. Asthma is classed as a disability, so could result in recieving benefits.
9 of 10
What lifestyle advice could be given to an individual with asthma?
1. Try to avoid exercising in cold weather. 2. Stay away from smoking. 3. Try to stay away from pets. 4. Stay inside if the pollen count is high.
10 of 10

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are the causes of asthma?


1. Animal fur. 2. Pollen. 3. Tabacco smoke. 4. Cold air. 5. Exercising.

Card 3


What are the symptoms of asthma?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What treatment is there for asthma?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are the physical impacts of asthma?


Preview of the front of card 5
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