atomic structure 0.0 / 5 ? ChemistryAtomsGCSECCEA Created by: michaelgc03Created on: 28-08-18 14:00 what is the charge and mass of a neutron charge 0, mass 1 1 of 9 what is the charge and mass of a proton charge + 1, mass 1 2 of 9 what is the charge and mass of an electron charge -1, mass next to nothing 3 of 9 what is in the nucleus protons and neutrons 4 of 9 what is in the shells electrons 5 of 9 what is an isotope it is the same element and has the same atomic number but different mass number 6 of 9 what is RAM it is the weighted mean mass of an atom of an element compered to 1/12 of the mass of the atom corbon 7 of 9 what is an atomic number it is equal to the number of protons in the nucleus (the bottom number in the element of the perodic table) 8 of 9 what is the mass number it is the number of protons and neutrons added together (the top number of the element in the perodic table) 9 of 9
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