ATP 0.0 / 5 ? BiologyCellular processesA2/A-levelAQA Created by: meganbradfield1Created on: 09-06-16 13:57 Why is ATP useful? Immediate energy source; releases energy in smaller, managable amounts; hydrolysis of ATP to ADP is a single reaction that releases immediate energy 1 of 5 Equation for ATP ADP + Pi ---> ATP + H2O 2 of 5 Describe the bonds between 3 phosphate groups in ATP Weak and unstable (low activation energy so broken easily to release energy) 3 of 5 How does the adding of a phosphate molecule to ADP occur? Photophosphorylation, oxidative phosphorylation, substrate-level phosphorylation 4 of 5 Roles of ATP Metabolic processes, movement, active transport, secretion, activation of molecules 5 of 5
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