How many ATP molecules are made per glucose molecule and where?
38 ATP = 2 directly + 2 NADH (6 ATP) in glycolysis and ETC, 2 NADH (6 ATP) in link and ETC, 2 ATP directly + 6 NADH (18 ATP) + 2 FADH (4 ATP) in Krebs and ETC
1 of 5
Why is it not considered that 38 is the net value?
As around 6 are used to actively transport substances in and out of the cell, so 32 ATP are made
2 of 5
Name 3 uses of ATP
Na + K pump, muscle movement, metabolic reactions
3 of 5
How is ATP made?
in phosphorylation from ADP +Pi
4 of 5
What is the process that makes ATP?
5 of 5
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Card 2
Why is it not considered that 38 is the net value?
As around 6 are used to actively transport substances in and out of the cell, so 32 ATP are made
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