Attachment - Theorists 0.0 / 5 ? PsychologyAttachmentA2/A-levelAQA Created by: i_daleyCreated on: 07-06-18 17:22 Ainsworth Strange Situation 1 of 13 Bandura Social Learning Theory 2 of 13 Bowlby Explanations of Attachment/Theory of Maternal Deprivation 3 of 13 Dollard and Miller Operant Conditioning 4 of 13 Harlow Wire Monkeys 5 of 13 Hazan and Shaver Influence of Early Attachment 6 of 13 Ijzendoorn and Kroonenberg Cultural Varition 7 of 13 Jaffe Reciprocity 8 of 13 Lorenz Imprinting 9 of 13 Meltzoff and Moore Interactional Synchrony 10 of 13 Pavlov Classical Conditioning 11 of 13 Rutter and Sonuga-Barke Institutionalisation 12 of 13 Schaffer and Emerson Stages of Attachment 13 of 13
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