Attachment 0.0 / 5 ? PsychologyAttachmentASAQA Created by: TakdarrenCreated on: 04-05-15 18:49 Outline the learning theory of attachment Classical C : UCS(food) CR(pleasure), CS(mother) CR(happiness) = food natural pleasure ASSOCIATION. Operant : Social releaser(smiles/crys) --> food = reinforcement, food --> smiles/cuteness = reinforcement REWARD 1 of 5 Evaluate the learning theory Harlow monkeys = comfort>food. Adequate explanation of learning. Shaffer and Emerson Glasgow 60 infants, monotropy/carer>feeder 2 of 5 Outline Bowlby's Theory of attachment Attachment occurs due to innate drive to survive. critical period, innate, social releasers, internal working model, continuity hypothesis, monotropy 3 of 5 Evaluate Bowlby's Theory of attachment Lorenz (innate). Shaffer and Emerson (monotropy). Tronick et al (monotropy). 4 of 5 Outline Mary Ainsworth's Strange Situation M.O.M.S.S.S.S 5 of 5
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