Attachment Key Studies Who studied the following...? 3.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? PsychologyAttachmentASAQA Created by: Evie LittlejohnCreated on: 09-01-13 18:44 Lorenz Imprinting/critical period 1 of 15 Klaus and Kennell Relationship between early skin to skin contact and attachment 2 of 15 Schaffer and Emerson 60 Glaswegian Babies 3 of 15 Bowlby Evolutionary theory - attachment is innate, monotropy, internal working model, sensitive period. 4 of 15 Ainsworth Strange Situation 5 of 15 DeWolff and van Ijzendoorn Found positive correlation between sensitivity of mothers and attachment type 6 of 15 Van Ijzendoorn and Kroonenberg Meta-analysis - cultural variations in attachment 7 of 15 Shaffer and Callender Age of child in relation to separation response 8 of 15 Barrett Type of attachment in relation to separation response 9 of 15 Gross and McIlveen Sex in relation to separation response 10 of 15 Koluchova Case study of twin boys and the effects of their privation 11 of 15 Tizard and Hodges Long term effects of emotional privation 12 of 15 Rutter et al. Effects of institutionalisation 13 of 15 Campbell, Lamb and Hwang Effects of day care on social development 14 of 15 Maccoby and Lewis Negative effects of day care 15 of 15
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