What are 2 things which the D must show his act was for Automatism?
- Involuntary
-Due to External factors
1 of 10
What is Element 1 for Automatism?
An Involuntary Act
2 of 10
What is an Involuntary Act?
'An act done by the muscles without any control by the mind.. or an act done by a person who is not conscious of what he is doing'
3 of 10
What case supports Element 1:
Total lack of Awareness
Hill v Baxter
4 of 10
What is Element 2 of Automatism?
An External Factor
5 of 10
What are examples of External Factors?
- A sneezing fit
- Attack by swarm of bees
- A blow to the head
6 of 10
What is the case for Element 2:
External Factor
R v T
7 of 10
Can Automatism be Self-Induced?
- No
- It includes intoxication & when it results from the D's action or failure to take action
8 of 10
What are the cases which show Automatism cannot be self-induced?
- Quick
- Bailey
9 of 10
Where can the defence of Automatism be used?
- Where the D does not know that his actions are likely to lead to a self-induced automatic state
in which he may commit an offence, he has not been reckless
10 of 10
Other cards in this set
Card 2
What is Element 1 for Automatism?
An Involuntary Act
Card 3
What is an Involuntary Act?
Card 4
What case supports Element 1:
Total lack of Awareness
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