B ; cda ; why repealed ; james stansfeld (1820-98) 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryModern Britain from 1750A2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: ilovetheofficeCreated on: 06-04-18 11:56 which two men (ugh) were responsible for oranising the movement? james stansfeld and henry j. wilson 1 of 31 what did stansfield work in until 1874? gladstone's cabinet 2 of 31 why did he stop? liberals lost election 3 of 31 what was his political persuasion? unitarian 4 of 31 he was a leading what in parliamnet? radical mp 5 of 31 pre-'74 why was he constrained from campaigning? role in cabint 6 of 31 but from 1874 took dominant role in? leading national movement campaigning against cda 7 of 31 prior to '74 who guided LNA policy? butler 8 of 31 while stansfeld did what? reshaped movement to more effective political group 9 of 31 what kinds of arguments did he look to develop? scientific ones based on facts 10 of 31 which transformed campaign from moral venture to? pragmatic one 11 of 31 what association did stansfeld encourage the formation of? National Medical Association (NMA) 12 of 31 in? 1875 13 of 31 which enlisted medical professionals to? campaign against the acts 14 of 31 when did pressure pay off? 1879 15 of 31 under which government? conservative 16 of 31 who agreed to do what? establish committee of inquiry into acts 17 of 31 which continued to gather information until? 1882 18 of 31 when did liberals return to power? 1880 19 of 31 then who was appt 2 inquiry? stansfeld 20 of 31 stansfeld's role created some tension with who? middle-class women in LNA 21 of 31 because what did they feel? men too influential in movemnt 22 of 31 women like butler prefered making alliances with which types of men? working class men 23 of 31 why? generally easier to manage 24 of 31 which skills of stansfeld's did butler rely on? organisational 25 of 31 but felt what about promenance? threat 26 of 31 which belief of henry wilson's did she resent? tht repeal not esp problem for women but all society 27 of 31 wilson was instrumental in getting whose support for repeal? liberal party 28 of 31 while stansfeld woudl eventually push through final repeal in? 1886 29 of 31 unlike butler, what were these two eligible to do? become MPs 30 of 31 as liberal MPs what did this mean they had? influence in parliament 31 of 31
Britain 1780-1928: Depth- Contagious Diseases Acts and the campaign for their repeal, 1862-86 4.5 / 5 based on 6 ratings
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