B ; chartism ; far ach aims '50 ; why failed 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryModern Britain from 1750A2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: ilovetheofficeCreated on: 03-04-18 12:07 A DIVIDED WORKING CLASS SIOFNGDS 1 of 47 what two groups did chartism fail to gain support of? skilled working class / agricultural class 2 of 47 why would swc be helpful? because of growing no railway engineers 3 of 47 where was the only place chartism was active in suffolk? ipswich 4 of 47 why was spread of chartism more difficult in rural south? villages were smaller and isolated 5 of 47 what happened to working class divisions in 1840s? became more acute 2/ single issue causes 6 of 47 who established the first shop of the co-operative movement in 1844? rochdale pensioners 7 of 47 and their movement gained support especiallt around who? women 8 of 47 why was o'connor dismaued? he just wanted to stick to the charter man 9 of 47 CHARTISM AND TRADE UNIONS IONG 10 of 47 did chartism gain widespread long lasting support from them? no 11 of 47 trade union activity severely curtailed after which two events in 1834? collapse GNCTU / tolpuddle martys 12 of 47 existing small trade unions would be prosecuted for what? strike actions 13 of 47 which were regarded under common law as? restraint of trade 14 of 47 in early days what was it with chartists and unions? supported by individual unions who went representatives 15 of 47 what event in manchester did several mcr unions attent? kersal moor meeting 1838 16 of 47 however what idea did the trade unions massively disagree with? sacred month 17 of 47 why? thought would lead to gov reprisals against trade union movement 18 of 47 refusal to support proposal decided what? tu abandonment of chartists 19 of 47 why did unions rebuff NCA again in 1840? more concerned with economic matters 20 of 47 focused attention on which three things instead? wage / hours / working conditions 21 of 47 unionism revival evidenced by growing indep tus and which major org? National Association of United Trades (NAUT) 22 of 47 in? 45 23 of 47 what two things made this possible? trade revival from '42 and growing confidence indiv tus 24 of 47 what did o'connor change paper name to in hopes of working with unions? northern star and national trades journal 25 of 47 but o'connor had no real interest in trade unions beyond what? recruiting numbers to chartist cause 26 of 47 so did he get their support **** no 27 of 47 A CHANGING ECONOMY SDFIUNGDS 28 of 47 what type of question did stephens say chartism was? "knife and fork" question 29 of 47 when were the three spikes in chartist activity? '38-'39 / '41-'43 / '47-'48 30 of 47 all three coincided with what? economic depressions 31 of 47 but what did the chartist believe would never have happened if wc had say in power? poor law amendment act and factory owners wouldn't have been able tor educe wages 32 of 47 CHARTISM: A FAILURE? DFIIG 33 of 47 what was the fundamental chartist aim? parliament to accept people's charter 34 of 47 has this ever been achieved in the history of the world? no 35 of 47 so in that sense is chartism a failure? if you even considered that ur stupid 36 of 47 but what did chartism breathe new life into? working class radicalism 37 of 47 what did it strengthen? working class culture 38 of 47 and allowed what to emerge? good leadership 39 of 47 made the wokring class more politically aware from which two peoples speeches? o'connor / stephens 40 of 47 what paper furthered wc political education? northern star 41 of 47 what were many prominent chartists also involved in creation of? liberal party 42 of 47 what have actually been gradually taken on by parliament? six points of charter 43 of 47 can chartists be credited? nope 44 of 47 what was the only point of the charter not to have been taken on? annual parliament 45 of 47 what was the first charter point to happen? abilosh payment MPs 46 of 47 in ? 58 47 of 47
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