B Vitamins 0.0 / 5 ? Health & Social CareVitaminsA2/A-levelAQA Created by: lolza_98Created on: 24-05-17 15:53 Function of Vitamin B3 Helps Production of sex hormones 1 of 15 Source of Vitamin B3 Meat 2 of 15 Effect of Defiency of B3 Pellagra 3 of 15 Function of B1 normal functioning of the nervous system 4 of 15 sources of vitamin b1 liver 5 of 15 Defiency of B1 Beri Beri 6 of 15 Function of B9 Prevent neural tube defects 7 of 15 souce of b9 beans 8 of 15 defiency of b9 megablastic anemia 9 of 15 B12 functions cofactor for enzymes in normal function of blood cells 10 of 15 source b12 food of animal origin 11 of 15 effect of defiency pernicious anaemia 12 of 15 function of vitamin b2 maintains healthy skin 13 of 15 sources of b2 milk 14 of 15 defiency of b2 problem with energy release 15 of 15
HSC07 (Food and Fitness): 3.7.2 Mineral, Vitamins and consequence of deficiency on the body 4.5 / 5 based on 3 ratings
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