B1.1.1: Diet and exercise 2.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? BiologyHealthy livingGCSEAQA Created by: alainaejazCreated on: 18-07-15 12:08 What nutrients does a healthy diet consist of? Carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals 1 of 10 What can malnourishment lead to in terms of diseases? Deficiency dieseases, type 2 diabetes 2 of 10 What happens if these nutrients are not balanced? Malnourishment 3 of 10 What are carbohydrates, fats and proteins used for by the body? To build cells and release energy 4 of 10 What do mineral ions and vitamins maintain? Healthy functioning 5 of 10 When would a person lose mass? When the amount of energy consumed is less than the amount of energy expended 6 of 10 What does exercise do? It increases the amount of energy expended 7 of 10 What is the metabolic rate? The rate at which chemical reaction in the cells are carried out 8 of 10 Name three things the metabolic rate varies with The amount of activity you do, the proportion of muscle to fat, and inherited factors 9 of 10 How else is our health affected by inherited factors? Cholesterol level 10 of 10
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