B1.7 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? BiologyVariationGenes, Chromosomes and DNAReproductionCloningGenetic EngineeringGCSEAQA Created by: phoebehannaCreated on: 19-01-16 21:16 Genetic Variation Organisms inherit genes from their parents 1 of 29 Environmental Variation A difference which has been caused by the environment and organism lives in 2 of 29 Chromosomes Long lengths of the DNA molecule 3 of 29 DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid 4 of 29 Genes Genes carry our characteristics 5 of 29 Gametes The female's egg and the male's sperm 6 of 29 Fertilisation The egg and the sperm fuse together to form a cell with the full number of chromosomes 7 of 29 Zygote Another name for a fertilised cell 8 of 29 Asexual Reproduction A cell can make a new cell by dividing in two and it will have the exact same genetic information, there is only one parent and they are clones 9 of 29 Asexual Reproduction Step 1 X-shaped chromosomes have two identical halves 10 of 29 Asexual Reproduction Step 2 Each chromosome splits down the middle to form two identical sets of half chromosomes, a membrane forms around each set 11 of 29 Asexual Reproduction Step 3 The DNA then replicates itself to form two identical cells with complete sets of X-shaped chromosomes 12 of 29 Sexual Reproduction Where genetic information from two organisms are combined to produce offspring which are genetically different to either parent 13 of 29 Cloning Making an exact copy of an organism 14 of 29 Cuttings Gardeners take cuttings from good parent plants and then plant them to produce genetically identical copies of the parent plant 15 of 29 Tissue Culture Plant cells are put in a growth medium with hormones and they grow into new plants 16 of 29 Embryo Transplants Where an embryo is created and then split many times in the early stages to form a clone 17 of 29 Embryo Transplants Step 1 Sperm cells are taken from a prize bull and egg cells are taken from a prize cow 18 of 29 Embryo Transplants Step 2 The embryo that develops is then split many times before any cells become specialised 19 of 29 Embryo Transplant Step 3 These cloned embryos can then be implanted into lots of other cows 20 of 29 Adult Cell Cloning Can be used to make animal clones 21 of 29 Adult Cell Cloning Step 1 An unfertilised egg cell is is taken and the nucleus is removed 22 of 29 Adult Cell Cloning Step 2 A complete set of chromosomes from an adult cell is inserted into the empty egg cell 23 of 29 Adult Cell Cloning Step 3 The egg cell is then stimulated by an electric shock which makes it divide 24 of 29 Adult Cell Cloning Step 4 When the embryo has developed it is implanted back into the uterus where it grows into a genetically identical copy of the adult 25 of 29 Genetic Engineering Copying a useful gene from one organism's chromosome into the cells of another 26 of 29 Genetic Engineering Step 1 A useful gene is cut from one organism's chromosome using enzymes 27 of 29 Genetic Engineering Step 2 Enzymes are then used to cut another organism's chromosome and then to insert the useful gene 28 of 29 Genetically Modified Crops(GM) Crops which have had their genes modified 29 of 29
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